Global Patent Litigation

W. Hoyng
Global Patent Litigation
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"Global Patent Litigation" is a brand new looseleaf, which aims to fulfill the increasing need for quality information on the strategy and practical aspects of patent litigation in the major trading countries of the world. "Global Patent Litigation" starts with a description of how strategy is formulated in international patent litigation, including the main provisions of the European Patent Convention and the European Patent Office. Next follow chapters by experienced patent litigators on the laws of their respective jurisdictions. Each chapter describes how a patentee can enforce the patent, highlighting possible pitfalls and remedies and thus enabling you to make an informed decision on where to litigate. Tables provide a quick overview of proceedings in a particular jurisdiction, together with an estimate of duration and likely costs. The main features include: a description of how to determine strategy in international patent litigation; a discussion of the main provisions of the European Patent Convention and relevant case law of the European Patent Office; national contributions from experienced patent litigators describing the main features of patent law and patent litigation in their jurisdiction; chapter tables providing a quick overview of the main features of the available proceedings; and broad international coverage, with easy comparison of national jurisdictions. "Global Patent Litigation" will be invaluable when: protecting against infringements; preparing proper litigation strategy; estimating costs of litigation; and preparing to engage local counsel.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-90-411-2460-9, 9789041124609
Wydawnictwo: Kluwer Law International

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