Good Gone Bad

Giana Darling
Good Gone Bad
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They say one action doesn’t define you. I killed a man. Stabbed him in the neck and licked the blood off my lips after I did it. Still, one action doesn’t define you. I could have called anyone. My father, the Prez of The Fallen MC, our family lawyer, my best friend, Lila, or my brother, King. I didn’t. Instead, I called Lionel Danner, the police officer renowned for taking down the Nightstalkers MC. The man who had been my father’s arch nemesis for decades. The man who hated everything I stood for. A man who had disappeared from my life without explanation three years ago. I called him. And maybe one action doesn’t define you, but killing a bad man and calling in the good changed my life and it sure as hell changed his.  
Data wydania: 2018-12-15
ISBN: 1-7752330-4-9, 1775233049
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Giana Darling
Cykl: The Fallen Men, tom 3
Stron: 390

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