Guide to the Stars, Constellations & Planets

A. Ruki
Guide to the Stars, Constellations & Planets
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This superbly illustrated encyclopedia provides both a practical introduction to astronomy and a detailed guide to observing the night sky. All the illustrations are a combination of detailed studies of numerous photographs taken at different times by different telescopes and space probes. This ensures that they show all the known visible features of the planet, moon or constellation illustrated. The main section of the book consists of illustrations and maps of the planets and moons of the Solar System as well as the sun. This is followed by star charts and detailed plates of all the major constellations. A glossary of astronomical terms, a reading list and a complete index is provided at the end of the book
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-1-84067-050-9, 9781840670509
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Caxton Editions

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