Handbook of Art Therapy

T. Dalley
Handbook of Art Therapy
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What is art therapy? How can art and therapy combine to help individuals understand aspects of their inner life? This new edition of The Handbook of Art Therapy is thoroughly revised and updated and includes new sections on neurobiological research, and a current review of literature and contemporary practice. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of art therapy in a variety of different settings. Caroline Case and Tessa Dalley draw on their experience of teaching and practising art therapy, concentrating on what art psychotherapists actually do, where they practice, and how and why art therapy is effective. First-hand accounts of the experience of art therapy from both therapists and clients are used throughout, enriching the discussion of subjects including: the art therapy room art and psychoanalysis art therapy and creativity working with groups in art therapy art therapy with individual patients. This straight-forward and highly practical Handbook will be invaluable not only as an introduction to the profession but also as a reference for students of art psychotherapy both during and after their training.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-58391-792-3, 9781583917923
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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