Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science v 1

E. Hau
Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science v 1
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Detailed descriptions of laboratory animal genetics, diseases, health monitoring, nutrition, and environmental impact on animal experimentsDiscussion of general methods including experimental design and statistical evaluations, non-surgical and surgical techniques, anesthesia, and post-mortem examinationsThoroughly revised chapters on occupational health, techniques and procedures in genetic engineering, and experimental design and statisticsExpanded coverage of safety and security in laboratory animal facilities, humane endpoints and the treatment of pain in lab animals, surgical techniques, minimal access techniques, Australasian legislation and regulation of the use of lab animals, and the use of the Web as a resourceNew, streamlined chapter combines the review of alternative techniques to animal experimentation with the use of isolated organs, cell cultures, and computer simulations The second edition of an international bestseller, this book provides veterinary specialists as well as veterinary and biomedical researchers with detailed information about laboratory animal genetics, diseases, health monitoring, nutrition, and environmental impact on animal experiments. Completely revised and updated, Volume I now contains expanded coverage of topics such as procedures in genetic engineering, surgical techniques, and humane endpoints and the treatment of pain and suffering in laboratory animals. It includes a new, streamlined chapter that combines the review of alternative techniques to animal experimentation such as the use of isolated organs, cell cultures, and computer simulations.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-8493-1086-7, 9780849310867
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.

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