How to Double Your Sales

B. King
How to Double Your Sales
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How to Double Your Sales offers a set of proven techniques to give both experienced salespeople and those new to selling everything they will ever need to achieve an extraordinary increase in sales - fast. Bruce King is an experienced salesman and trainer who takes an extremely practical, results-focused style to sales. This book covers the complete sales process and gives you the ultimate stress-free selling system. It shows you how to use powerful motivational techniques, derived from NLP, to train your brain for sales success. * An 8-week plan with action points and exercises to build your sales skills week by week * Template scripts you can customise and use to win new prospects, overcome objections and close sales * How to use tried-and-tested NLP techniques to programme your mind for sales success * Why you may never need to cold call again * How to cold call and set appointments when you have to * Stress-free techniques for handling objections * The 13 best closes * Guidelines on how to improve other skills critical to stress-free sales success - communication; negotiation; time management
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-273-73261-7, 9780273732617
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Financial Times

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