Humane Interface The New Directions for Designing

J. Raskin
Humane Interface The New Directions for Designing
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The honeymoon with digital technology is over: millions of users are tired of having to learn huge, arcane programs to perform the simplest tasks; fatigued by the pressure of constant upgrades, and have had enough of system crashes. In The Humane Interface, Jef Raskin - the legendary, controversial creator of the original Apple Macintosh project - shows that there is another path. Raskin explains why todays interface techniques lead straight to a dead end, and offers breakthrough ideas for building systems users will understand - and love.KEY TOPICS:Raskin reveals the fundamental design failures at the root of the problems so many users experience; shows how to understand user interfaces scientifically and quantitatively; and introduces fundamental principles that should underlie any next-generation user interface. He introduces practical techniques designers can use to improve their productivity of any product with an information-oriented human-machine interface, from personal computers to Internet appliances and beyond. The book presents breakthrough solutions for navigation, error management, and more, with detailed case studies from Raskins own work. For all interface design programmers, product designers, software developers, IT managers, and corporate managers. The next revolution in user interface design -- by the original creator of the Apple Macintosh project. Why todays GUIs have reached a dead end -- and what to do about it. What makes a great interface: state-of-the-art research and breakthrough insight. The book every user interface designer will be talking about!
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-201-37937-2, 9780201379372
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Addison Wesley Publishing Company

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