Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics

R. Hanson
Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics
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This book takes readers on an adventure into the inner workings of the molecular world, following a logical step-by-step progression of ideas and examples from the field.It helps readers understand the world around them in molecular terms. It features helpful pedagogy, including chapter ending-summaries, problems and brain teasers, with answers provided at the end of the book. It is filled with real-world examples ranging from casinos to lasers to endangered coral reefs.Starting with just a few basic principles of probability and the distribution of energy, the book takes students on an adventure into the inner workings of the molecular world like no other, from probability to Gibbs energy and beyond, following a logical step-by-step progression of ideas.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-891389-49-8, 9781891389498
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: University Science Books

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