Mind Has Mountains

P. McHugh
Mind Has Mountains
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From his strenuous opposition to physician-assisted suicide to his conviction that sex-correction surgery for newborns is cruel and misguided, Dr. Paul R. McHugh's opinions are strong and often controversial. In this provocative collection, McHugh demonstrates why he is one of the most thought-provoking figures in the academic world. These pieces argue for a realistic appraisal of just what psychiatrists know and how they know it, with the aim of indicating how such knowledge can best be used not only for better patient care but also to reflect on and influence public issues and social movements. His articles will stimulate professional and popular discussion about the goals and effectiveness of current psychiatric practice. The essays sort through the layers of what McHugh terms the "culturally driven misdirection of psychiatry and psychotherapy" to explain concepts often mi
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-8018-8249-4, 9780801882494
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: John Hopkins University Press

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