Amid the lush tonal landscapes of Chopin, a killer stalks unseen. Just whenher life in New York seems to be unraveling, Artemisia Talbot receives acommission to photograph Chopin s Paris. And in the City of Light, shediscovers unconditional love for the first time with the young Americanmusicologist Matthew Pierce. Artemisia accompanies Matthew to Warsaw, wherehe purchases a diary that describes Chopin s ill-fated love affair withlittle Marynia, a talented pianist and watercolorist. But the diary alsoholds some disturbing parallels to contemporary events, and the brillianceof Artemisia s surroundings in Paris, Warsaw, and Nohant obscures the grimreality that she is being followed by an obsessive killer bent on revenge.The internationally known author, scholar and pianist Harrison Slatercontinues on the path of his acclaimed best-selling novel, Night Music,which was optioned as a film in Europe. Just as Night Music opened theworld of Mozart to mystery readers, Nocturne brings the poetic panoramas ofChopin to those who love novels of romance and obsession.