For one- and two-semester Operating Systems courses (in the most recent ACM/IEEE curriculum) that universities offer to juniors, seniors and graduate Computer Science students.The text goes beyond the standard coverage in operating systems courses with key chapters on multiprocessing, networking, distributed systems, performance, and security. The text features extensive, up-to-the-minute case studies on the latest versions of Linux (2.6) and Microsoft Windows XP. An abundance of charts, diagrams, illustrations and exercises (both with and without solutions) is included.Conforms to all core requirements and elective topics of the IEEE/ACM's CC2001 Operating Systems course (except for shell scripting). Approximately 300 charts, tables and illustrations and extensive Web resources in every chapter. Hundreds of self-review questions and answers (two after each section). End-of-chapter and end-of-book glossaries with approximately 1800 terms defined. Pseudocode in C/C++/Java-like syntax. Works Cited section at the end of every chapter. Multithreading treatments in pseudocode and Java. 100+ page case studies of Linux 2.6 and Windows XP 100+. Mini case studies on key operating systems. Biographic features on key operating systems people. "Operating Systems Thinking" features. Anecdotes.