Oral Pharmacotherapy For Male Sexual Dysfunction

Gregory Broderick
Oral Pharmacotherapy For Male Sexual Dysfunction
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A state-of-the-art review of each aspect of male sexual dysfunction (interest, performance, and orgasm) and their implications for treatment. The authors address a wide variety of clinical issues, ranging from common medical risk factors for ED, to the evaluation and management of men who have atypical presentations that require focused testing; from diabetic ED to the safety assessment of PDE inhibitors for cardiac patients; and from combination drug therapy for refractory patients to neuropharmacological therapies. On the pharmaceutical side, the authors summarize the pharmacology and development of PDE-type 5 inhibitors, review the preclinical data and 5 years of postmarketing data on Viagra®, examine the preclinical data on Levitra®, and discuss the design and conduct of US clinical trials of Cialis®. Oral Pharmacology for Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Guide to Clinical Management clarifies for urologists, family physicians, and internists each of the diagnostic approaches to male sexual dysfunction, as well as the pharmacological strategies available for its safe and effective management.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-58829-451-7, 9781588294517
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Humana Press

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