Robbin's Pathologic Basis of Disease 6e

Ramzi S. Cotran
Robbin's Pathologic Basis of Disease 6e
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Now in full color, the new Edition of this classic continues to be the most current, comprehensive and practical reference on pathology. The 6 th Edition carries on the tradition of excellence that has made its predecessors the gold standard: authoritative authorship...unparalleled readability...logical, consistent organization...and definitive, state-of-the art coverage of every aspect of the specialty.Offers full-color illustrations of gross and microscopic pathology. Presents over 170 newly created computer-generated diagrams, including schematics, flow charts, and diagrammatic representations of disease. Offers a new chapter on The Eye. Covers molecular genetics and molecular pathology for most major diseases and cancers. A uniform organization of systems-based chapters in a highly readable and tightly edited text. Uses a chapter sequence that is compatible with most course outlines. Covers subjects in proportion to their clinical importance or biological relevance. Includes numerous micrographs and diagrams as well as detailed chapter outlines and extensive chapter references.Review of Previous Edition: '...A welcome and much needed reassertion of the central importance of pathology in all of medical education.' --JAMA
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-0-7216-7335-6, 9780721673356
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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