
Robert Klanten
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"Romantik" presents classical romantic elements in outstanding examples of contemporary illustration, photography and graphic design. While making a clear reference to nineteenth century Romanticism, the book defines a current version of the term through its selections and presentation. The book features examples, which expand the forms of visual expression available in our computer-dominated world and which develop style elements that exist beyond the canon of forms used in the 1990s. In place of uncluttered surfaces and clean lines, colorful collages and ornaments are used to generate a feeling of warmth, closeness or commitment. Because the computer is firmly established as a creative tool, today's "Romantik" is pragmatic rather than dogmatic. At the same time, the book challenges the role of the computer in the design process, appealing to the romantic in all of us.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-3-89955-031-3, 9783899550313
Wydawnictwo: Gestalten Verlag


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