Route 66: From Deep Structures to Surface Meanings. A Festschrift for Henryk Kardela on his 66-th Birthday

Adam Głaz, Przemysław Łozowski
Route 66: From Deep Structures to Surface Meanings. A Festschrift for Henryk Kardela on his 66-th Birthday
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Its a great joy of ours that we can place the present Festschrift in honour of our esteemed collegue and friend Henryk Kardela. When invited to contribute, both the authors and the reviewers expressed their tacit consent to liken Henryk's linguistic path to Route 66, a historic road of nearly 2,500 miles, spanning Chicago in Illinois and Santa Monica in California, and exhibiting a whole array of passing landscapes, fleeting viewes, and changing panoramas. He is no doubt one of these language theorists that having tested and tasted newer and newer "trees" grown at newer and newer locations, must be aware of the adventurous and travel-like nature of linguistics. To quote Professor Elżbieta Tabakowska (this volume): "Professor Kardela, of Henryk to his friends and collegues, has come a long way since he first delved into generative syntax. Later, like many other linguistics of his generation and persuasion. he became attracted by the emerging cognitivist theory of language, which promised illuminating insights into the lush greenery growing behind the walls of generative orchards planted with derivation trees". (From the Editors)
ISBN: 978-83-227-9026-7, 9788322790267
Wydawnictwo: UMCS

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