This book explores witty thinking ÂEthe most entertaining area of graphic design. Witty thinking is playfulness with ideas, words playing against images, unexpected connections prompting new insights. It is clever thinking, not funny drawing. A Smile in the Mind analyses the thought processes behind the images. It shows how to make the case for witty solutions and, through a series of interviews with the world's top designers, suggests how to get ideas. Gathering together the best examples of graphic wit over the past three decades, this book includes work from over 300 designers in the USA, Britain, Europe and Japan. Written with insight and a lightness of touch, it offers designers a friendly read, a helpful sourcebook and a trigger for ideas.'Beautifully edited, lovingly and carefully compiled...both intellectually and aesthetically stimulating. Oh, and it's funny too.` (Graphics International) 'This book keeps the fun coming. There are so many wonderful (and superbly reproduced) examples of sharp, deftly done pieces that the reader becomes greedy, devouring hit after hit.` (Print)