Spinal & Epidural Anesthesia

C. Wong
Spinal & Epidural Anesthesia
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The only practical reference offering in-depth coverage of spinal and epidural anesthesia Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia provides you with concise, authoritative coverage of the physiology, pharmacology, techniques, indications, and patient safety related issues of spinal anesthesia. The targeted content examines neuraxial anesthesia for labor and ten other surgical areas, including acute and chronic pain control. Two hundred illustrations, tables, and photographs illustrate key points and each chapter will highlight patient/medication safety considerations. You'll find complete coverage of equipment selection, contraindications, and preferred techniques.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-07-143772-1, 9780071437721
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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