Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

J. Blume
Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing
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It's problems, problems every minute of the day. Peter believes he has the biggest problem in the shape of his little brother, Fudge. Nothing is safe around Fudge - unless it's nailed to the floor. So when Peter wins a tiny green turtle, it's war... Peter thinks he has the world's biggest problem - his little brother Fudge. Fudge causes trouble wherever he goes and it's usually up to Peter to sort out the mess. When Peter wins a tiny green turtle called Dribble he's determined to keep it away from his brother. But when Fudge does get his hands on Dribble - disaster strikes! New cover edition of this hugely successful, hilarious series.
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-0-330-39817-6, 9780330398176
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Pan Books

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