Taming Olivia

Becca Van
Taming Olivia
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Olivia Hammond finds herself on an alternate reality to Earth called Terra-form, where she finds her missing best friend April Waterson. Cedric and Hugh Kiath are panther shifters who claim to be her mates. Olivia wants nothing to do with them and uses her sharp tongue to keep them at arm's length. After trying to find her way back home, Olivia gets lost and must be rescued by Cedric and Hugh. The shifters eventually claim Olivia, but a wrench is thrown in the works when another male claims to be her mate. Just when things look to be working out, Olivia is kidnapped by a strange bear shifter. Will her mates rescue her in time? And if they do, will Olivia be able to open her heart to her men?  
Data wydania: 2011
ISBN: 1-61926-976-7, 1619269767
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Siren Publishing
Cykl: Terra-form, tom 2
Stron: 120
dodana przez: kazal_ka

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