Teach Yourself Business Spanish

Sarah Carroll
Teach Yourself Business Spanish
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"Teach Yourself Business Spanish" will give you all you need to feel confident about doing business in Spain or any country in the Spanish-speaking world. You can choose to use the three CDs only, to give you the basic language you will need for all your general transactions and the specialist terms you will need for your own sector. The language is the language you will hear and use, with plenty of opportunity to practise and build your confidence to speak and, perhaps more importantly, to understand your Spanish colleagues when they speak to you. If you have more time, you can use the audio in conjunction with the supplementary 128-page paperback, which will give you transcripts of the dialogues from the book and also examples of how business documents are set out, so you can be sure that you can spell and read business Spanish as well as speak it. Finally, there is a 96-page, pocket-sized booklet which lists all the vocabulary from the course (and more!) and gives you tips on etiquette and Spanish business culture, so you never need be stuck for words or worry about committing a business faux pas when you are travelling.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-340-92973-5, 9780340929735
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers

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