Teen Legal Rights

K. Hempelman
Teen Legal Rights
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A must-have for those who own the first edition, this revised and updated edition, provides teenagers with the most current answers to their legal questions. The user-friendly question and answer format, familiar to users of the first edition, gives teenagers important and relevant information on a variety of topics of interest to them including driving a car, parental authority, school authority, sexual issues, and many more. New material not only expands on topics covered in the first volume to reflect new legislation, but also includes hot new topics such as legal issues involved with Internet use and the legality of teaching creation science in school. Teens will find this reference resource useful both for preparing term papers and for answering their own personal questions on the legal rights and responsibilities in all areas of their lives. Eighteen topical chapters cover rights at home, in the car, and on the job, as well as issues involved with sexual activity and orientation, drug and alcohol use, and police conduct and criminal investigation. The final two chapters provide an introduction to the basic litigation process. A glossary provides easy-to-understand definitions of legal terms. In addition to new material enhancing the text of the volume, updates in this new edition include Web site information for teens interested in further pursuing specific topics as well as new and expanded lists of suggested readings.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-313-30968-7, 9780313309687
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Greenwood Publishing Group

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