The Rebirths of Tao

Wesley Chu
The Rebirths of Tao
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Many years have passed since the events in The Deaths of Tao: the world is split into pro-Prophus and pro-Genjix factions, and is poised on the edge of a devastating new World War; the Prophus are hiding; and Roen has a family to take care of. A Genjix scientist who defects to the other side holds the key to preventing bloodshed on an almost unimaginable scale. With the might of the Genjix in active pursuit, Roen is the only person who can help him save the world, and the Quasing race, too. And you thought you were having a stressful day...  
Data wydania: 2015-04-02
ISBN: 978-0-85766-429-7, 9780857664297
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Angry Robot
Cykl: Lives of Tao, tom 1
Stron: 512

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