With their catchy messages and bold artwork, today's t-shirts are areflection of and petri dish for current styles in graphic design,illustration, and fashion. Show me your t-shirts and I ll tell you who youare. Today's t-shirts are projection screens for styles, thoughts, andattitudes; they are wearable calling cards. Wearers and designers oft-shirts define themselves through the featured visual codes and messagesand are constantly trying to outdo each other when it comes to who has themost original ideas. Torso presents t-shirts whose motifs not only functionas a means of personal communication, but also reflect and increasinglyinfluence the complete spectrum of modern graphic design. As the first bookto focus on t-shirts created by the most innovative and style-settingstreetwear brands, it is the definitive guide to the t-shirt culture ofstreetwear. Torso was compiled by Daniel Eckler, founder andeditor-in-chief of Formatmag.com, one of the world s most popular andinfluential publications dedicated to streetwear, street art, andalternative lifestyles.