
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mind o przy nie", znaleziono 32

The best men are the male heroes created in fiction - by women (...) The Scarlet Pimpernel, Heathcliff, Rhett Butler, Mr Darcy - all created by women, and that is because they couldn't find a man they really liked, which made them sit down and create one
Editors are inundated with submissions, and every editor comes into work each day to find a new stack of manuscripts and proposals. They are all looking out for books in their area of interest or expertise, and they are trying to avoid books that are too similar to something else the house has recently bought or published, as well as books by fanatics, lunatics, and terrible writers. Barry, Sam (2010-05-18). Write That Book Already!: The Tough Love You Need To Get Published Now (p. 95). F+W Media, Inc Kindle Edition.
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