A chain of bakery stores in Hamburg is generating excitement in the realm of retail architecture and interior design. Created by André Poitiers, the shops of the chain Dat Backhus, which each include ...
Książka Bockrisa to fascynująca biografia człowieka-legendy, prekursora popartu, najsłynniejszego i najbardziej kontrowersyjnego amerykańskiego artysty. Warhol zrewolucjonizował współczesną sztukę, ...
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) is one of the most iconic figures in twentieth-century art, an enigmatic man who not only altered the definition of art but also in his wake left a vast and staggeringly comple...
Andy Warhol (1928--1987) is arguably the most iconic figure in twentieth century art, an enigmatic personality who not only altered the definition of art itself but also in his wake left a vast and st...