Nauka języka angielskiego dla dzieci. Lippy and Messy - Songs and Games to seria materiałów do nauki języka angielskiego dla dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym. Seria składa się z 14 częśc...
Publikacja z serii Felberg Young English Readers dla uczniów szkół podstawowych uczących się języka angielskiego. Książeczka opowiada o przygodach Robin Hooda. Robin zabił w lesie Sherwood jelenia nal...
Today mammalian cell products, primarily monoclonals, cytokines, recombinant glycoproteins and increasingly vaccines dominate the biopharmaceutical industry. Moreover, a small number of products consi...
This book provides a general introduction as well as a selected survey of key advances in the fascinating field of plant cell and tissue culture as a tool in biotechnology. After a detailed descriptio...
To nowa seria edukacyjna dla 7-11-latków uczących się języka angielskiego. W poszczególnych książeczkach z tej serii czytelnik znajdzie frapujące przygody swoich ulubionych bohaterów. Wszelkie trudnie...
This book reviews the latest technological developments of bioengineering approaches in cell and tissue research. It is meant to have life and spirit, and to become a pioneer in technology and science...
Stem Cell Biology in Health and Disease presents an up-to-date overview about the dual role of stem cells in health and disease. The Editors have drawn together an international team of experts provid...
Książka pomyślana jest jako dialog pomiędzy dokumentacją fotograficzną wystawy "Na okrągło" oraz wyborem tekstów opublikowanych w latach 1989-2009, które z różnych względów były istotne dla debaty pub...
W Innym spojrzeniu Natasza Korczarowska-Różycka bierze pod uwagę filmy, w których przedstawianie historii nie przystaje do tradycyjnych wyobrażeń społeczeństwa na temat własnej przeszłości. Nie chodzi...
Dante Valentine has been through Hell. Literally. Her body shattered and her mind not far behind, she's dumped back into her own world to survive--or not--as a pawn in one of Lucifer's endless games. ...
Through these new stories, charmingly ilustrated by Mimi Everett, younger children will share, with Susie & Sam, the many new events and first experiences that they encounter in everyday life.
Russell Brand explores the idea of mentoring and shares what he's learned from the guidance of his own helpers, heroes and mentors. Could happiness lie in helping others and being open to accepting h...
The chilling new World War Two crime mystery by the award-winning authorBarbara Nadel; fourth in the highly popular Francis Hancock series. EastLondon, 1940: Francis Hancock finds the brutally eviscer...
To challenge the reader to even try to understand the complexity of reproductive development of plants is a formidable task. Yet, the 11 chapters of this book do so admirably by presenting a palatable...
I always thought I had luck on my side. Things seemed to go in my favour, whether by will or by nature. But that luck just ran out. Jobless and on the verge of being homeless, I find a strength in ...
Sienna Diaz is everyone’s favorite “fat” funny lady. The movie studio executives can’t explain it, but her films are out-grossing all the fit and trim headliners and Hollywood’s most beautiful elite. ...
n 1991, Gerald Ratner made a landmark speech to the Institute of Directors. After over 25 years in the jewellery trade, Gerald Ratner was one of the most well-known and successful retailers of his gen...
Upstream processing refers to the production of proteins by cells genetically engineered to contain the human gene which will express the protein of interest. The demand for large quantities of specif...
Intended for all your research needs, this encyclopedia is a comprehensive collection of information on temperate and tropical fruit and nut crops. Entries are grouped alphabetically by family and the...
The diary of Jean-Dominique Baudy, written after the author suffered a massive stroke leaving his left eyelid as the only mobile muscle in his body. Three days after the book's publication, Baudy died...
Leading expert physicians and investigators from around the world review the state-of-the-art in the management of squamous cell head and neck cancer, with emphasis on coordinating different treatment...
Tests knowledge of essential anatomy, histology and cell biology concepts and prepare for the USMLE Step 1 Practice with 500 USMLE Step 1-style questions with referenced answers Includes explanations ...
Get the most from your study time...and experience a realistic USMLE simulation! These new additions to the Rapid Review Series―highly rated in the First Aid rankings―make it easy for you to master a...
(for both volumes) Apoptosis, Cell Signaling, and Human Diseases: Molecular Mechanisms, Volumes 1 & 2, present a concise synthesis of recent developments in the understanding of both cell survival and...
From basics to details, this is an elegantly written and carefully edited book. The chapters on cell cycle control and oncogenesis are particularly fascinating and valuable to biomedical research. Thi...
Survivors is the first examination of how more than half of the Jews in Western Europe survived the Holocaust. The widely differing rates of Jewish mortality have long vexed historians, who have tradi...
This book presents new engineering concepts that foster better machines and procedures in the health field. Bridging the gap between two rapidly merging fields, this resource provides you with a solid...
The 2nd Edition of this user-friendly review source presents all of the essential information students need to know about cell biology and genetics in a modern, fun, and accessible format. Written by ...