Uber dieses Buch Der Grundrissatlas Wohnungsbau ist das in den letzten 10 Jahren meistverkaufte Standardwerk unseres Programms. Nach wie vor ist er fur eine breite Kauferschicht attraktiv, da sich sei...
This is the second, revised edition of the highly successful "Color Atlas of Pathophysiology", which clearly describes the disturbed physiologic processes leading to dysfunction and disease. Readers c...
This updated statistical atlas presents key health figures for the WHO European Region. They cover basic data on populations, births, deaths, life expectancy and diseases, lifestyle and environmental ...
This atlas provides detailed coverage of the anatomy, surgical approaches, and techniques involved in performing cerebral revascularization and spinal cord operations. Topics include a complete sectio...
This is the second volume of the three-volume "Colour Atlas of Microneurosurgery" series, covering the whole range of cerebrovascular lesions. Fully revised and expanded, the microsurgical atlases cov...
This timeless pocket atlas is the ideal visual companion to histology and cytology textbooks. First published in 1950 and translated into eight languages, Kuehnel
Now with all new images, known to radiologists around the world for its superior illustrations and practical features, the "Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy" reflects the very latest in state-of-the-...
The second of a three-volume set which identifies the anatomical details visualized in the sectional imaging modalities. As a comprehensive reference, it is a great aid when interpreting images; schem...
Known to radiologists around the world for its superior illustrations and practical features, the ´Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy´ now reflects the very latest in state-of-the-art imaging technol...
Tom stanowi swoistą panoramę aktualnych nurtów w badaniach językoznawców romanistów, przede wszystkim polskich, ale też francuskich, czeskich i węgierskich. Artykuły w nim prezentowane zawierają bardz...
The iron of the bridge felt hot under my hand. The sun had been upon it all day. Gripping hard with my hands I lifted myself on to the bar and gazed down steadily on the water passing under ... I tho...
Cardiac aging, like aging in general, is a complex process. Numerous cellular and molecular changes contribute to the expression of the multiple phenotypes of aging, "the different faces" of cardiac a...
Color Atlas of Congenital Heart Surgery covers the full spectrum of congenital heart defects, first depicting the pathology in pre-repair photographs and then detailing step-by-step the operative proc...
Because of the wide variety of anomalies encountered in congenital heart surgery, a broad understanding of the pathologic anatomy of defects is vitally important to the successful surgeon. More than i...
De retour en Arnolite Aria, flanquée du nain Crafouille, fait route vers son château en Arnolite. La fidèle Rexanne, qui s'y morfond seule depuis son départ, guette désespérément son retour. Non loin ...
1946 : après l'échec surprise du débarquement allié, le 6 juin 1944, les armes volantes spéciales des Nazis déciment les avions alliés. Le major Walter Murnau, tête brûlée, homme d'honneur et talentue...
According to her own complex moral calculations, Katie Carr has earned her affair. She's a doctor, after all, and doctors are decent people, and on top of that, her husband David is the self-styled An...
The intricacies of the human nervous system are of great intellectual and practical interest and importance and are the subject of a large number of life sciences and medical school courses worldwide....
This book is the essential reference for audio power amplifier designers and engineers. Author Douglas Self covers all the issues of distortion and linearity, power supplies, protection, reliability a...
Using a combined functional and regional approach to neuroanatomy, this book explores how parts of the nervous system work together to regulate body systems and produce behavior. It thoroughly covers ...
'Histology: A Text and Atlas' has long been a favorite among medical, dental, and health sciences students. This combination text and atlas includes a standard textbook description of histologic princ...
The sixth edition of the Atlas of Hypertension builds on the tremendous success of earlier editions, but significant revision has been done since the last edition and American and European guidelines ...
Make your soundtracks as good as your pictures with this compendium of professional audio techniques that can be adapted to desktop post. Specializing in sound after the shoot, this book features many...
Written within a biopsychosocial framework, Cavanaugh and Blanchard-Fields' best-selling text covers the specific ages-stages of adult development and aging. In its unparalleled coverage of current re...
Thoroughly revised and updated by internationally recognized experts, the Third Edition of this popular and widely used atlas reflects twelve years of vital advances in electrodiagnosis of neurologic ...
The on-going core of this atlas is its standard of realistic illustrations that portray anatomical relationships. Photographs of actual cadaver dissections along with numerous schematic drawings aid t...
This atlas includes full-colour photographs of actual cadaver dissections instead of idealised illustrations, to accurately and realistically represent anatomical structures. Often used by students as...
The newly revised, comprehensive, four-color Atlas of Clinical Neurology is extensively updated with reference to current literature. The new third edition organizes the highest-quality images from th...
Now in its Fifth Edition, this best-selling atlas provides medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with an outstanding collection of histology images for all of the major tissue classes a...
This long-awaited new edition is still the only source devoted entirely to ultrasound measurements. Inside, you'll find the most accurate coverage for all major pathologic entities - from the abdomen ...