Le livre dĂŠcrit une vingtaine d'ĂŠtudes de cas, qui sont autant de "success stories" au pays du vin. Pour chacune sont dĂŠtaillĂŠs le contexte et les enjeux, puis vient le rĂŠcit proprement dit du ca...
Swept into the world of the Daylight Coven, Caia is caught between her loyalty to the Daylights and her new insight into the hearts of the Midnights. As more obstacles are thrown in her and Lucien's w...
Britain is not an easy country to understand. To visitors, British life is sometimes very strange. What is life like for ordinary people in Britain? How are things changing? Why do they talk about the...
In the nineteenth century there was an amazing flowering of ironwork forms, mass produced and widely distributed, but of extreme variety and richness of design. Too often they have been overlooked, or...
The true story of John Law, gambler, mathematical genius - and killer, and his role in the history of money. Three centuries ago, wealth was in the form of gold and silver. Law's ideas revolutionised ...
Barely a teenager, Kaylin Neya is a thief, a fugitive and an attempted assassin. She also has a smart mouth, sharp wits and mysterious markings on her skin. All of which make her perfect bait for a ch...
Seven years ago Kaylin fled the crime-riddled streets of Nightshade, knowing that something was after her. Children were being murdered — and all had the same odd markings that mysteriously appeared o...
Gilbert (1859-1934) was a believer in the benefits that architecture could bestow on the environment and culture of American life; as a leading exemplar of the City Beautiful movement he helped shape ...
Her first thought was "I must not scream" ' A man must open one of two doors: one will bring him love, the other will bring him death. A woman goes into her hotel room, but it's not her room and she i...
The discovery of the structure of DNA, the unique code that shapes human genes was made by Francis Crick and James Watson. The Double Helix reveals the excitement of the Nobel Prizewinning Crick and W...
One of the great derisive monuments to the imbecilities of the tourist experience, Mark Twain's account of his tour with a group of fellow Americans around the sights of Europe is both hilarious and t...