
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "h a n caly tam i z po te", znaleziono 47

Farming in a Global Economy A Case Study
Farming in a Global Economy A Case Study
F. Schryer

Using a Canadian case study, this book demonstrates that Dutch immigrant farmers have a global competitive advantage. It also deals with the implications, both beneficial and harmful, of positive ster...

Post Accession Migration in Europe a Polish Case Study
Post Accession Migration in Europe a Polish Case Study
Alison Stenning

W prezentowanej książce autorki poruszają kwestię migracji ludności z najnowszych państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Temat ten jest często przedmiotem głębokiej refleksji politycznej i akademicki...

Timing the Future The Case for a Time-based Prospective Memo
Timing the Future The Case for a Time-based Prospective Memo
Joseph Glicksohn

In this volume, leading researchers bring together current work on time perception and time-based prospective memory in order to understand how people time their intentions. This is the first account ...

Development In the Desert. A Case Study of Farafra Oasis, Egypt
Development In the Desert. A Case Study of Farafra Oasis, Egypt

Instytut Krajów Rozwijających się Wydziału Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego przeprowadził w latach 90. XX w. serię badań w oazie Farafra w Egipcie. Najważniejszym etapem był...

Bracia Di Caro. Tom 2
Bracia Di Caro. Tom 2
Kinga Litkowiec
Cykl: Bracia di Caro, tom 2

Kolejna odsłona najbardziej wyczekiwanej serii królowej romansów mafijnych. Była pewna, że jej życie to jedno niekończące się pasmo nieszczęść. Została zabrana z domu wbrew swojej woli. Stała się ...

The Call. Tom 2. Inwazja
The Call. Tom 2. Inwazja
Peadar Ó Guilín
Cykl: The Call, tom 2

Jesteś zdrajcą czy bohaterem? Nadchodzi prawdziwa Inwazja! Ważą się losy Nessy i całej Irlandii. Nikt nie przypuszczał, że po Wezwaniu przyjdzie im się zmierzyć z o wiele poważniejszym zagrożeniem. Ze...

Restitution of Cultural Propoerty: A Hard Case - Theory of Argumentation - Philosophy of Law
Restitution of Cultural Propoerty: A Hard Case - Theory of Argumentation - Philosophy of Law
Kamil Zeidler

The problem of restitution of cultural property is by no means a new one. This study?s aim is to reconstruct the philosophical-legal issues connected with restitution of cultural property by using the...

Alois Nebel 3. Złote Góry
Alois Nebel 3. Złote Góry
Jaroslav Rudiš

Trzeci i ostatni tom trylogii ",Alois Nebel - Złote Góry" autorstwa Jaroslava Rudiśa (scenariusz) i Jaromira 99 (rysunki) opisuje dalsze losy tytułowego bohatera, który postanowił rozstać się definity...

PRAKTYKA ZARZĄDZANIA. Studia przypadków. Case study 1
PRAKTYKA ZARZĄDZANIA. Studia przypadków. Case study 1
Wojciech Olejniczak

Przedstawiony zbiór przypadków stanowi ciekawy, interdyscyplinarny zestaw materiałów dydaktycznych do zastosowania w nauczaniu: Zarzadzania marketingowego, strategicznego i personalnego oraz Inżynieri...

Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanis
Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanis
Ewa Suwara

The dissertation is a novel study on the Polish literature market. In an interesting manner, it presents an important issue in terms of economy and state institutions, namely, public procurement. Her ...

NAJLEPSZE PRAKTYKI ZARZĄDZANIA. Studia przypadków. Case study 2
NAJLEPSZE PRAKTYKI ZARZĄDZANIA. Studia przypadków. Case study 2
Aneta Zelek

Doskonała, aktywizująca lektura zarówno dla studentów zarzadzania, jak i dla praktyków zarządzania. Autorzy zadbali po pierwsze o właściwy dobór opisywanych przypadków, po drugie o ich bardzo atrakcyj...

Colloids in Cosmetics and Personal Care v 4
Colloids in Cosmetics and Personal Care v 4
Tharwat F. Tadros

The first modern approach to relate fundamental research to the applied science of colloids, this series bridges academic research and industrial applications, thus providing the information vital to ...

Clan 7 con Hola amigos 2. Podręcznik + kod
Clan 7 con Hola amigos 2. Podręcznik + kod

Nowe wydanie z kodem do pobrania dodatkowej zawartości z internetu zamiast płyty CD Kurs składa się z czterech podręczników, obejmujących poziomy A1 (części pierwsza i druga) i A2 (części trzecia i cz...

Along Came a Spider
2 wydania
Along Came a Spider

The spectacular international bestseller that introduced Washington-based homicide detective Alex Cross and launched James Patterson's career as one of the fastest-selling thriller writers in the worl...

A Case of Spirits
A Case of Spirits
K.J. Charles
Cykl: A Charm of Magpies, tom 2

As torrential rains wash away the stench of a London heat wave, another kind of wave is sweeping through the city streets. A rash of ghost sightings, followed quickly by madness—and horrifying, eye-me...

Jewish Relational Care A-Z
Jewish Relational Care A-Z
J. Bloom

Self-relations is a powerful framework for doing respectful and human caregiving for your self as well as for others. "Jewish Relational Care A - Z" is an extensive source for caregiving techniques ba...

A call for revolution
A call for revolution
Tenzin Gjaco "XIV Dalajlama", Sofia Stril-Rever

"This eloquent, impassioned manifesto is possibly the most important message The Dalai Lama can give us about the future of our world. It's his rallying cry, full of solutions for our chaotic, aggress...

A Case of Possession
A Case of Possession
K.J. Charles
Cykl: A Charm of Magpies, tom 1

Lord Crane has never had a lover quite as elusive as Stephen Day. True, Stephen’s job as justiciar requires secrecy, but the magician’s disappearing act bothers Crane more than it should. When a black...

Case Closed #1
Case Closed #1
Gosho Aoyama
Cykl: Case Closed, tom 1

Ghastly beheadings, bloody murders, and coldhearted child abductions-- Precocious high school student Jimmy Kudo uses his keen powers of observation and astute intuition to solve mysteries that have ...

Case Closed #2
Case Closed #2
Gosho Aoyama
Cykl: Case Closed, tom 2

Conan must contend with the murder of a man who burns to death while the prime suspect has the perfect alibi; he helps a seemingly sweet and innocent girl look for her missing father; and he still has...

Case Closed #3
Case Closed #3
Gosho Aoyama
Cykl: Case Closed, tom 3

Jimmy, Rachel and Richard take a vacation aboard a cruise ship, but little do they know that the patriarch of the wealthy Hatamoto family is about to be murdered. With the perpetrator still aboard sh...

They Came to See a Poet
They Came to See a Poet
Tadeusz Różewicz

Tadeusz Rozewicz is Poland's most popular and influential poet. Born in 1921, he belongs to the generation of writers whose work was indelibly marked by Poland's traumatic and tragic war-time experien...

Birthright. Vol. 2. Call to Adventure
Birthright. Vol. 2. Call to Adventure
Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Cykl: Birthright, tom 2

Fugitives from the law, Brennan will need all the survival skills Mikey learned in Terrenos to stay alive. But something has followed Mikey back, that’s strong enough to tear the brothers apart. Colle...

Comfort in a Lower Carbon Society
E. Shove

Current expectations and standards of comfort are almost certainly unsustainable and new methods and ideas will be required if there is to be any prospect of a significantly lower carbon society. This...

Pet-Ct A Case Based Approach
Pet-Ct A Case Based Approach
P. Conti

Dr. Peter S. Conti is a Professor of Radiology and the Director of the PET Imaging Science Center at the University of Southern California, and is a Fellow of both the American College of Radiology an...

How to Live a Low-Carbon Life
How to Live a Low-Carbon Life
C. Goodall

That climate change is happening is now all too clear. Many of us want to take action to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Yet the lack of a consolidated source of reliable information on how to ca...

Quan Tracy

Like everyone, Nancy finds that as life goes on, she has to adapt. She’s learning to hone her respectable image as the wife of investment banker Matt, cooking fashionable meals and taking his shirts t...

Quan Tracy

Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl

Case-based Geriatrics: A Global Approach
Case-based Geriatrics: A Global Approach

A full-color case-based guide to the principles and clinical aspects of geriatric care 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "It is intended as a case-based textbook of geriatrics that also integrates the complexi...

Warriors: A Starless Clan #1: River
Warriors: A Starless Clan #1: River
"Erin Hunter"
Cykl: Warriors. A Starless Clan, tom 1

A thrilling new adventure begins in Erin Hunter’s #1 bestselling Warriors series! They have always lived by the code—but only change can keep the peace. A new age is dawning on the warrior Clans. No...

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