En el Santiago de Compostela de finales del siglo XIX, el ambiente estudiantil, la belleza de las tierras gallegas y el suave encanto de sus mujeres, haran olvidar a Gerardo su desordenada vida madril...
Be on call with confidence! Successfully managing on-call situations requires a masterful combination of speed, skill, and knowledge. These pocket-sized resources provide you with immediate access to ...
Be on call with confidence! Successfully managing on-call situations requires a masterful combination of speed, skill, and knowledge. The pocket-sized titles in the On Call series provide you with imm...
Be on call with confidence! Successfully managing on-call situations requires a masterful combination of speed, skill, and knowledge. The pocket-sized titles in the "On Call Series" provide you with i...
This new pocket-sized volume in the Saunders On Call series walks students, house officers and residents through the evaluation and management of common problems in hospitalized pediatric patients. Th...