Dziewczyna o imieniu Jana – najpierw nastolatka, a potem studentka – kocha się platonicznie w aktorach Kurosawy, czyta Murakamiego i powoli uzależnia się od Japonii. Niestety, podróż szesnastolatki d...
W kamienicy przy ulicy Radosnej 123 zawsze coś się dzieje. Tam zawsze jest wesoło! Angelo — stróż kamienicy — ma zawsze ręce pełne roboty. W codziennych obowiązkach towarzyszy mu Poldzio, radosny...
Zapis podróży, którą Paolo Cognetti, laureat Premio Strega za Osiem gór, odbył na krótko przed swoimi czterdziestymi urodzinami, tuż przed przejściem przez grań młodości. „W końcu pojechałem w Himal...
Wydanie zbiera trzy albumy: ŻELAZNA WIEŻA KONIEC ŚWIATA ZAGINIONA OSADA A także ponad 40 stron unikalnych materiałów dodatkowych, takich jak szkice, projekty czy Przewodnik przetrwania. ...
"CIMA Revision Cards" are the only materials written and endorsed by CIMA. These revised editions provide succinct but complete coverage of all the major points of the CIMA syllabus. The pocket-sized,...
CIMA Revision Cards are the only materials written and endorsed by CIMA. They provide succinct but complete coverage of all the major points of the CIMA 2005 syllabus. The pocket-sized, spiral-bound f...
The 2009 edition of "CIMA's Official Learning Systems" has been written in conjunction with the examiner to fully reflect what could be tested in the exam. Fully revised and in 2 colour, paperback for...
The 2008 edition of "CIMA's Official Learning Systems" has been written in conjunction with the examiner to fully reflect what could be tested in the exam. Fully revised and now in 2 color, paperback ...
The 2009 edition of "CIMA's Official Learning Systems" has been written in conjunction with the examiner to fully reflect what could be tested in the exam. Fully revised and in 2 colour, paperback for...
"CIMA Exam Practice Kits" consolidate learning by providing an extensive bank of practice questions. Each solution provides an in depth analysis of the correct answer and highlights why the alternativ...
The 2009 edition of "CIMA's Official Learning Systems" has been written in conjunction with the Examiner to fully reflect what could be tested in the exam. Fully revised with additional readings and e...
This new edition of the CIMA's Official Learning Systems has been written in conjunction with the Examiner. The Learning System has been written specifically for the certificate syllabus by former CIM...
Supplementing the "Official CIMA Learning Systems and Revision Cards", the "CIMA Exam Practice Kits" consolidate learning by providing an extensive bank of practice questions. Each solution provides a...
CIMA Official Learning Systems contain detailed coverage of the syllabus including many worked examples and revision questions--an invaluable resource suitable for use both in the classroom and also f...
The 2009 edition of "CIMA's Official Learning Systems" has been written in conjunction with the examiner to fully reflect what could be tested in the exam. Fully revised and now in 2 colour, paperback...
CIMA's Official Learning System" has been written by former CIMA examiners in conjunction with the CIMA faculty. They provide a clear logical route through the new syllabus to specifically prepare stu...
Supplementing the "Official CIMA Learning Systems and Revision Cards", the "CIMA Exam Practice Kits" consolidate learning by providing an extensive bank of practice questions. Each solution provides a...
CIMA Official Learning Systems contain detailed coverage of the syllabus including many worked examples and revision questions-an invaluable resource suitable for use both in the classroom and also fo...
CIMA Official Learning Systems contain detailed coverage of the syllabus including many worked examples and revision questions-an invaluable resource suitable for use both in the classroom and also fo...
This new edition of the CIMA's Official Learning Systems is published by Elsevier on behalf of CIMA. The Learning System has been written specifically for the new certificate syllabus by former CIMA e...
Supplementing the "Official CIMA Learning Systems and Revision Cards", the "CIMA Exam Practice Kits" consolidate learning by providing an extensive bank of practice questions. Each solution provides a...
Supplementing the "Official CIMA Learning Systems and Revision Cards", the "CIMA Exam Practice Kits" consolidate learning by providing an extensive bank of practice questions. Each solution provides a...
This new edition of the "CIMA's Official Learning Systems" is published by Elsevier on behalf of CIMA. It has been written specifically for the new certificate syllabus by former CIMA examiners in con...
The 2008 edition of "CIMA's Official Learning Systems" has been written in conjunction with the examiner to fully reflect what could be tested in the exam. Fully revised and now in 2 colour, paperback...
This title helps you prepare with confidence. Avoid pitfalls and pass first time. "CIMA's Exam Practice Kits" contain a wealth of practice exam questions and answers, focusing purely on applying what ...
"CIMA Exam Practice Kits" are the only practice materials endorsed by CIMA. Fully updated to meet the demands of the certificate syllabus, the "CIMA Official Exam Practice Kit" contains a bank of ques...
This new edition of the "CIMA's Official Learning" is published in conjuction with the Examiner. "The Learning System" has been written specifically for the certificate syllabus by former CIMA examine...
This new edition of "CIMA's Official Learning Systems" has been written in conjunction with the Examiner. "The Learning System" has been written specifically for the certificate syllabus by former CIM...
This new edition of the "CIMA's Official Learning" is published in conjuction with the Examiner. The "Learning System" has been written specifically for the certificate syllabus by former CIMA examine...