
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "jaka peach", znaleziono 17

Ucho Jaka Muzyczne podróże od Kathmandu do Santa Fe
Ucho Jaka Muzyczne podróże od Kathmandu do Santa Fe
Anna Nacher

Ucho jaka to niezwykły "notes podróżny" pary muzyków, a zarazem badaczy kultury, mówiący o osobistym doświadczaniu podróży, muzyki, instrumentów i pejzażu, z którego wyrastają. Pamiątką z wypraw na cz...

Java EE 6. Programowanie aplikacji WWW
Java EE 6. Programowanie aplikacji WWW
Krzysztof Rychlicki-Kicior

Spis treści:Część I: Podstawy (7)Rozdział 1. Java EE - naprawdę krótkie wprowadzenie (9) * Web vs Enterprise (10) * Serwery aplikacji (11) * Streszczenie, czyli krótki przewodnik po niniejszej publika...

Java EE. Zaawansowane wzorce projektowe
Java EE. Zaawansowane wzorce projektowe
Murat Yener, Alex Theedom

Rozwiązania realnych problemów w Javie EE przy użyciu wzorców projektowych. Platforma Java EE to najbardziej zaawansowane rozwiązanie do budowania złożonych systemów informatycznych, jakie oferuje fir...

Java EE 6. Tworzenie aplikacji w NetBeans 7
Java EE 6. Tworzenie aplikacji w NetBeans 7
Heffelfinger David R.

Obowiązkowa wiedza każdego programisty! Java EE to zbiór zaawansowanych technologii, pozwalających stworzyć nowoczesną aplikację o doskonałej architekturze. Jeżeli żądasz najwyższej wydajności, niezaw...

Java EE 5 Tutorial 3e
Java EE 5 Tutorial 3e
E. Jendrock

The Java EE 5 Tutorial is an introduction to programming server-side Java applications. This book takes a task-oriented, example-driven approach to show the reader how to build applications for the Ja...

Java Tutorial 4e
Java Tutorial 4e
S. Zakhour

Well written and easy-to-follow, The Java Tutorial is a friendly hands-onintroduction to the Java programming language. Updated for J2SE 5.0 andwritten by the members of the Java Software team, this b...

Absolute Java 3e
Absolute Java 3e
W. Savitch

Praised for providing an engaging balance of complete examples and explanatory discussion, Absolute Java,Third Edition, is the most comprehensive and accessible book available to both the novice and i...

Java TSK 2e
2 wydania
Java TSK 2e

This indispensable guide to Java, an island of astonishing beauty, leads you through a rich blend of cultures and religions, where Hindu-Buddhist empires reached their zenith before Islam made its mar...

Java Programming 4e
Java Programming 4e
D. S. Malik

Designed for the beginning programming student, this book will motivate learners while teaching fundamental programming concepts. Based on years of classroom testing, this fourth edition of JAVA two c...

Java for Students 5e
Java for Students 5e
Douglas Bell

A gradual step-by-step approach to learning Java that concentrates on GUI programs and programs that display graphical output.The text takes a bottom-up approach, starting with the fundamentals of pro...

Java How to Program 7e
Java How to Program 7e
Harvey Deitel

For introductory courses in Java Programming/CS 1 and for Intermediate/Advanced Java Programming courses. Â The Deitels' groundbreaking How to Program series offers unparalleled breadth and depth of o...

Java Software Structures 3e
Java Software Structures 3e
J. Lewis

The third edition of Java Software Structures embraces the enhancements of the latest version of Java (Java 6, as well as Java 5), where all structures and collections are based on generics. The frame...

Introduction to Java Programming 8e
Introduction to Java Programming 8e
Y. Liang

Regardless of major, students will be able to grasp concepts of problem-solving and programming - thanks to Liang's fundamentals-first approach, students learn critical problem solving skills and core...

Java How to Program 8e
Java How to Program 8e
P. Deitel

Great example of polymorphism and interfaces. Great comparison of recursion and iteration. I found the [Searching and Sorting] chapter to be just right. A very understandable, simplified explanation o...

Design Patterns in Java 2e
Design Patterns in Java 2e
S. Metsker

This is the revised and updated edition of Design Patterns Java Workbook which incorporates the exercises and examples from the 1st edition with the stand-alone pedagogy of Metsker's Design Patterns i...

Objects First with Java 4e
Objects First with Java 4e
D. Barnes

For introductory courses in Java/Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Programming.  Its close integration with the BlueJ development environment allows this book to focus on key aspects ...

Sams Teach Yourself Java 6 in 21 Days 5e
Sams Teach Yourself Java 6 in 21 Days 5e
Rogers Cadenhead

Sams Teach Yourself JAVA 6 in 21 Days, Fifth Edition continues to be one of the most popular, best-selling Java tutorials on the market. Written by an expert technical writer, it has been acclaimed fo...

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