Seeking: Qualified applicants looking to build their careers on sand. Requirements: A bachelor’s degree worth a fraction of the debt you incurred. One to two year’s clerical experience working for a d...
Steven Spielberg is the director or producer of over one third of the thirty highest grossing films of all time, yet most film scholars dismiss him as little more than a modern P. T. Barnum--a technic...
Engineers create many of the inventions that shape our society, and as such they play a vital role in determining how we live. This new book does an outstanding job of filling in the knowledge and per...
Vince's real name is Marty Hagen. A career criminal from New Jersey, he has been given a new identity in a sleepy Northwest city by the Witness Protection Program. Since he testified against the hoods...
Citizenship presents two faces. Within a political community, it stands for inclusion and universalism, but to outsiders, citizenship means exclusion. Because these aspects of citizenship appear spati...
Mit Witzen Deutsch lernen przyda się zarówno nauczycielom języka niemieckiego, jak i uczniom. Jest to zbiór ponad 500 dowcipów w języku niemieckim starannie ułożonych według tematyki oraz występującyc...