Fragment: Salon pani de Bonmont stał się bardzo modny i rozbłysnął świetnością od czasu zwycięstwa nacjonalistów w Paryżu i obrania Józefa Lacrisse radnym. U wdowy po wielkim baronie gromadziła się ś...
Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior desig...
Ceci n'est pas un livre, ceci n'est pas un film...Surrealist visions, confused identities, obsession, fetish and seethingdesireBettina Rheims and Serge Bramly's Rose, c'est Paris is both a photographi...
Encyklopedia zawiera hasła (w układzie alfabetycznym) poświęcone wszystkim religiom świata i religii jako zjawisku (kulturowemu, społecznemu, psychologicznemu, itd.). Zakresem tematycznym obejmuje, za...
Alex et Zoe a Paris to dodatkowy zeszyt lektur do 1 części Alex et Zoe , zawierający różnorodne, bogato ilustrowane teksty do czytania oraz dodatkowe ćwiczenia rozwijające umiejętność rozumienia tekst...
Recent years have seen the creation of many new parks, gardens, forests, and valleys where modern sculpture and nature form a special bond. Designed nature serves as an inspiring setting for artworks ...
6 juin 1944. Le débarquement allié en Normandie est un échec. L'offensive contre l'Allemagne est lancée en Provence, mais les Alliés s'enlisent autour de Lyon, laissant à l'Armée rouge l'opportunité d...
Suite à la mort suspecte du général de Gaulle durant la révolution de Mai 68, la guerre civile s'installe durablement en France. Huit ans plus tard, Paris est devenue une ville martyre, une zone de no...
Sparkling, darkly humorous tales of high society, playboys, courtesans, peasants, sex and savagery in nineteenth-century France, from the father of the short story.
Christopher Marlowe tells the story of a Scythian shepherd who becomes a mighty conqueror and the King of Persia through brutality, a lust for power and a certain charm. This is part of a series prese...
Bring a Parisian je ne sais quoi to your style, wherever you live. Dress Like a Parisian is a wise and witty guide to finding your personal style, taking inspiration from how real Parisian women dress...
Photography is nothing, it's life that interests me".--Henri Cartier-Bresson. A PROPOS DE PARIS presents the renowned photographer's personal selection of more than 130 of his best photographs of Pari...
This volume presents photographer Cartier-Bresson's own selection of 130 ofhis photographs of Paris, taken over 50 years. Accompanying text discussesthe history of Cartier-Bresson's engagement with th...
Forming part of the best-selling and well respected "Get Through" series, "Get Through MRCPsych Parts 1 & 2: 525 Individual Statement Questions in Psychopathology" is an indispensable revision compone...
In July 1944, Operation Cobra broke the stalemate in Normandy and sent the Allies racing across France. The Allied commanders ignored Paris in their planning for this campaign, considering that the ri...
Software developers and computer scientists have eagerly awaited this comprehensive revision of Robert Sedgewick's landmark texts on algorithms for C++. Sedgewick has completely revamped all five sect...