Wrzesień 1920, Watykan powołuje Ojca Arno Moriani na "adwokata diabła", w celu zbadania potencjalnej kandydatki na świętą w Transylwanii. Jednak w cieniu niepokojących ruin zamku należącego kiedyś do ...
Autor bada, jak wzbudzająca wiele kontrowersji zasada równych szans (par condicio), wyniesiona do rangi normy prawnej i usankcjonowana orzecznictwem Sądu Konstytucyjnego, wpłynęła na mediatyzację k...
Książka ukazuje kolejne rękopisy na szerokim tle sztuki niderlandzkiej XV i XVI wieku. Hasła katalogowe mają charakter rozszerzony i wzorowane są na wzorcowych wiedeńskich katalogach zbiorów Ősterreic...
W pracy opisano cykl życiowy wszystkich występujących w Polsce gatunków muchówek z rodzaju Lipara (L. lucens, L. similis, L. rufitarsis i L. pullitarsis). Opis każdego z nich zawiera szczegółowe infor...
Ossoliński zbiór monet rzymskich liczy blisko pięć i pół tysiąca egzemplarzy, z czego w kolejnych tomach Katalogu przedstawiono około trzech tysięcy. Seria ta nie ma odpowiedników w polskiej numizmaty...
Kellanved and Dancer and company have become ever more powerful and elevated, and are now distant players as we dig down to follow Bridgeburners themselves: Whiskeyjack, Fiddler, Hedge, Trotts, Mallet...
Here we will be documenting and following the emerging Malazan Empire's first landings and foothold in the region of the Seven Cities. Central to this account will be the monumental and notorious atta...
The girls seem to face new challenges everywhere they turn, and the pressure is threatening to tear them apart. Even their normal lives aren't free of stress -- particularly when Will's long absent fa...
Ari, the lord of Arkhanta, has a grudge against the Oracle and will go to any lengths to destroy him. The Guardians must stop Ari's rising power at the source to protect Kandrakar, but with their team...
The Oracle Accused! A shadow moves over Kandrakar, and the Oracle can feel it stirring. When a member of the Congregation questions his recent decisions and his involvement in human affairs, Kandrakar...
The Oracle Accused! The new Oracle's ambition is revealed, and he'll stop at nothing to possess Elyon's power! Don't think for an instant, though, that he has forgotten about the Guardians. Biding his...
The girls have barely recovered from their adventure in Arkhanta when they suddenly find themselves facing an Astral Drop revolution! How can the Guardians stop their doubles from wreaking havoc in th...
The Oracle Accused! Having uncovered the true identity of the new Oracle, W.I.T.C.H. and the former Oracle head to Kandrakar in an effort to free Elyon, return the Crown of Light to its rightful owner...
In the aftermath of their first adventure, Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin have unleashed a dormant evil... Corrupted by a power greater than herself, the ex-Guardian Nerissa re-emerges to ...
Desperate to reclaim the power of Heart, Nerissa and her Knights of Vengeance deploy put their schemes into motion, and the W.I.T.C.H. girls and their friends won't escape unscathed... Could this be t...
Nerissa has the Heart, and all of Kandracar is at her mercy! The girls must face her again, but are they prepared for the sacrifices required for victory...? Will Nerissa finally have her revenge?
The incidence of autoimmune diseases is increasing worldwide, and the search for better management of these diseases and even for a cure is being pursued by scientists from many disciplines. Tools fro...
This revision guide has been written to assist candidates sitting the MRCP (UK) and other postgraduate diplomas in General (Internal) Medicine. The questions in the book are based on real cases and in...
Duke Morgan owns and operates one of the largest bail bond companies in Atlanta. Not only does he bond criminals out of jail, he and his notorious group of bounty hunters will also track them down and...
Roman “Quick” Webb is one badass bounty hunter on the crime-filled streets of Atlanta. He’s fearless when it comes to carrying out his dangerous job alongside his longtime best friend and business par...
Polish, or Modal, Approach to Paraconsistency Jerzy Perzanowski: Parainconsistency, or inconsistency tamed, investigated and exploited Lafayette de Morales and Jair Mino Abe: Some Results on Jaśkowski...
The Justice League came together to stop the forces of Darkseid from destroying Earth five years ago. Now the ruler of Apokolips returns, but this time he’s set his sights on the world-shattering Anti...
Darkseid is dead! And with the Lord of Apokolips slain by the Anti-Monitor, the Justice League has inherited the powers of gods! Batman, Superman, The Flash, Shazam and Green Lantern have been transfo...
Twelve portals have opened between Earth and the dark world of Metamoor, weaking the mystic veil that separates the two and protects humanity from an evil that threatens to consume it. Five girls have...