
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "jest prase slowa", znaleziono 3

Gasdynamic Aspects of Transient Two-Phase Flow
Gasdynamic Aspects of Transient Two-Phase Flow
Herbert Städtke

In this book, the author, a researcher of outstanding experience in this field, summarizes and combines the recent results and findings on advanced two-phase flow modeling and numerical methods otherw...

Microgravity Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer
Microgravity Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer
Kamiel Gabriel

Multiphase thermal systems (involving more than one phase or one component) have numerous applications in aerospace, heat-exchanger, transport of contaminants in environmental systems, and energy tran...

Solid Liquid Two Phase Flow
Solid Liquid Two Phase Flow
Sümer M. Peker

This book is an undertaking of a pioneering work of uniting three vast fields of interfacial phenomena, rheology and fluid mechanics within the framework of solid-liquid two phase flow. No wonder, muc...

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