
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "john piaty", znaleziono 3

John Milton
John Milton
G. Campbell

An illuminating accretion of historical and personal detail; it is an assiduous study of a difficult man. Sophie Read, TLS Lucid and engaging. Sophie Read, TLS A book of permanent value...tight, learn...

John Milton

John Milton (1608-74) has a strong claim to be considered the greatestEnglish poet after Skakespeare. His early poems, collected and publishedin 1645, include the much loved pair L'Allegro and Il Pens...

The Navarre Bible: St. John - Texts and Commentaries
The Navarre Bible: St. John - Texts and Commentaries
św. Jan "Ewangelista"
Seria: The Navarre Bible

The Navarre Bible New Testament commentaries offer extensive explanations of the meaning of the scriptural text and its implications for everyday life. The commentaries draw on a rich variety of sourc...

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