Barcelone, 1957. La sonnette tinte sur le seuil de la librairie Sempere. Le client s?approche de Daniel en boitant. L?objet de sa visite ? Un magnifique exemplaire du Comte de Monte-Cristo? Qu?il lais...
When the Corporal's wires get crossed and his memory begins to fail, Harvey and Kieli are forced to temporarily set aside their search for Beatrix to scout for pre-War parts for their afflicted comrad...
Le conflit ne perd pas en intensité mais l'arrivée massive du contingent américain donne un nouvel espoir. La musique et le mode de vie des Sammies réchauffent l'atmosphère de l'arrière-front et le re...
Kieli, the girl who sees ghosts, and her Undying companion, Harvey, return in their second adventure - this time on the high seas of the Sand Ocean! Things are far from ship-shape, though, aboard the ...
Kieli and Harvey have settled into a normal life in a small least as normal as life gets for a girl who can see ghosts and an immortal soldier. But when a face from Harvey's past surfaces, j...
Kieli is a reclusive girl isolated by her ability to see ghosts. Her only friend is her "roommate," Becca, the precocious spirit of a former student still residing in Kieli's dorm. Everything in Kieli...
It's been a year and a half since Harvey left Kieli and the Corporal in Beatrix's care. Though she hasn't heard a word from him in all that time, Kieli can't forget the Undying who took her under his ...
Reunited after too many hardships, Kieli, Harvey, and the Corporal arrive in Westerbury in hopes of locating Beatrix. Instead, they find themselves settling in with an old friend, Shiman, and his trav...
Her spirit cast adrift, Kieli finds herself trapped in the world of Harvey's past and witnessing the worst day of a young Ephraim's life. Can she - with a little help from Harvey in the land of the li...
Kieli, Harvey, and the Corporal are on their way to the capital with Joachim in tow...though nobody seems too happy about it. But when undead monsters attack their train, the group is separated, leavi...
Kieli, Harvey, and their companions are trapped inside the Church's headquarters, which is still surrounded by monsters. But the biggest and most terrifying monster of all turns out to be an old frien...