Based on the best-selling hardcover edition, the new POCKET ATLAS OF ORAL DISEASES provides complete information on the diagnosis and treatment of oral disease. Featuring more than 200 vivid color pho...
An aid to solving the diagnostic problems posed by oral diseases, primarily for practicing dentists, specialists in oral medicine, oral pathologists and surgeons, dermatologists, and otorhinolaryngolo...
This newest volume in Thieme's world-acclaimed Color Atlas of Dental Medicine Series forges the crucial connection between clinical oral pathology and histopathologic examination to arrive at a precis...
The Third Edition of this user-friendly reference focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of oral manifestations of local or systemic diseases. It contains clear photographs on the clinical manifestati...
Minor oral surgery comprises those surgical operations that can comfortably be completed by a practiced non-specialist dentist in not more than 30 minutes under local anaesthesia. From his many years ...
In a fully illustrated, technique-based approach, Dr. George Kushner and authors will cover all of the major areas of bone grafting---cranial bone, rib, iliac crest, intra-oral and tibia. An additiona...