Drawing on the latest research about toddlers and preschoolers, At a Loss for Words lays out the importance of getting parents, policy makers, and child care providers to recognize the role of early l...
Lily and Jess are having a wonderful time in Friendship Forest with their magical friends - until horrible Grizelda turns up! The wicked witch unleashes wind sprites to spread havoc throughout the enc...
Fiercely loyal to his elder brother, Alaric McCabe leads his clan in the fight for their birthright. Now he is prepared to wed for duty, as well. But on his way to claim the hand of Rionna McDonald, d...
Sorti de l’édifice labyrinthique dans lequel il s’était aventuré, et débarrassé de " Monsieur ", Dan se retrouve en possession d’un étrange cube, qu’il pense être un trésor… de quoi racheter sa libert...
Takuan et ses compagnons se joignent aux pèlerins qui vont vers Compostelle. Parmi les estropiés et les scrofuleux, une superbe jeune femme, Dame Esclarmonde. Comme les autres, elle suit cette route d...
It's the warthog way to make a mess, so when a rainy day arrives, painting provides ample opportunites. Preschoolers will learn primary and secondary colors as they delight in a cacophony of color.
19 septembre 1969. Les Soviétiques sont les premiers à se poser sur la Lune. À Washington, le président Nixon donne carte blanche à la NASA pour que l'Amérique devienne la première nation à établir un...
Le trio achève enfin le périple qui l'a mené des palais vénitiens au royaume de France. Adso, Takuan et Rébecca n'ont plus qu'à remettre à Charles VIII les documents confiés par le doge de Venise, s'i...
La Crypte de Béthléem... C'est en ce lieu mystérieux, berceau du vampirisme, que se rend Dame Esclarmonde. Elle espère y rencontrer Jude, le premier vampire, seul capable de la délivrer de la terrible...
Suiatble as a Christmas gift for women and men alike, this title presentsa wickedly funny cartoon-illustrated look at what really makes men andwomen so different and what really causes so many problem...
This volume covers the Japanese seizure of the island of Guam in December 1941 and its American recapture by amphibious assault in July-August 1944. Guam was the first Allied territory lost to the Jap...
Ever since Einstein's study of Brownian Motion, scientists have understood that a little disorder can actually make systems more effective. But most people still shun disorder-or suffer guilt over th...
While the battle for the compensation of Thalidomide victims was raging in the 1970s, former Labour MP Jack Ashley asked in a parliamentary debate how Louise, then 11 years old, could look forward to ...
Been laid off? Fired? Pushed out? See it coming? This book will help you get back on your feet, develop a plan of action, and find your next great job! Real answers from real experts: *What to do firs...
An incredible group of experts reappraise the loss of the Titanic based on evidence that has come to light since the discovery of the wreck in 1985 Here, a team of dedicated, passionate, and expert a...