Cukrzyca, szczególnie typu 2, stanowi ważną i coraz bardziej rozpowszechnioną przyczynę zachorowań i zgonów. Ostatnio opublikowane dokumenty brytyjskich instytucji nadzorujących i koordynujących opiek...
This book provides a definitive reference work on the developing brain, from conception through the first year of life. Its purpose is to provide the range of specialists involved in the management of...
Most books on genocide consider it primarily as a twentieth-century phenomenon. In "The Rise of the West and the Coming of Genocide", Levene argues that this approach fails to grasp its true origins. ...
How should we understand genocide in the modern world? As an aberration from the norms of a dominant liberal international society? Or rather as a guide to the very dysfunctional nature of the interna...
In the 21st Century, the management of type 2 diabetes has become even more important both in the primary health care setting and in the government's health policy. With the publication of the "Nation...