Romans z motywem chłopaka zakochanego w siostrze przyjaciela! Bruce Sandler od dziecka czuł szczególną więź z Michelle i jej bratem bliźniakiem, a rodzice całej trójki przyjaźnili się od wielu lat...
The Devil in Love is an occult romance by Jacques Cazotte which tells of a demon, or devil, who falls in love with a young Spanish nobleman named Don Alvaro, an amateur human dabbler, and attempts, i...
Whether you've never tried Atkins, or you have but had difficulty 'staying on' the plan, 'Dr Atkins for Life' is for you. Filled with advice and tips on navigating the every-day challenges that come w...
Most people around the world today know something about American life. The United States is a big country. Not all Americans are the same! in this bokk you will see the many faces of American life.
Michelle Obama is: A Lawyer A Writer An Activist A First Lady of the United States of America. She is a role model and feminist icon. Born and raised in Chicago, she studied and worked hard to become...
Legend has it that if you take your guitar and stand at a crossroads at the witching hour, the devil will appear. He’ll grab your instrument, play a song, and hand it back to you. You’ll walk away an ...
In "Me and the Devil Blues", bluesman Robert Johnson, an American legend, has been completely reimagined. This fictionalized biography takes us deep into the heart of some of the darkest chapters in A...
Voet, Voet, and Pratts Fundamentals of Biochemistry, challenges students to better understand the chemistry behind the biological structure and reactions occurring in living systems. The Third Edition...
Frozen Pizza and Other Slices of Life: Level 6
Would you live in space? How about in a cave? Would you mind living below a volcano? Explore the many dangerous and unusual places people can live all over (and outside of!) the world.