
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mahy dla", znaleziono 7

Margaret Mahy

Czternastoletnia Laura staje przed poważnym życiowym wyborem. Musi zdecydować, czy chce dokonać śmiertelnie niebezpiecznej przemiany po to, by zdobyć nadnaturalne umiejętności i zostać... czarownicą. ...

Streptococcal Pharyngitis
Streptococcal Pharyngitis
H. Zeichhardt, B. Mahy

Indispensable for primary care physicians, pediatricians and otorhinolaryngologists! Group A streptococcal pharyngitis is one of the most common, but also controversial infections clinicians are faced...

Desk Encyclopedia of General Virology
B. Mahy

This volume, derived from Encyclopedia of Virology, provides an overview of the development of virology during the last ten years. Entries detail the nature, origin, phylogeny and evolution of viruses...

Dictionary of Virology 3e
Dictionary of Virology 3e
B. Mahy

This third edition of A Dictionary of Virology offers an authoritative, concise, and up-to-date list of all viruses affecting vertebrate species, from humans to fish. It has been completely revised si...

Dictionary of Virology 4e
Dictionary of Virology 4e
B. Mahy

The Dictionary of Virology, 4e "With the field of virology moving so rapidly, a new edition of A Dictionary of Virology is more than welcome. ...a handy reference text for all that study, or are inter...

Encyclopedia of Virology 5 vols
Encyclopedia of Virology 5 vols
B. Mahy

Encyclopedia of Virology, Third Edition continues its success as the largest single reference source of current research in virology. Unique in its use of concise articles, this praised work covers bi...

Desk Encyclopedia of Plant and Fungal Virology
Desk Encyclopedia of Plant and Fungal Virology
B. Mahy

This volume consists of 85 chapters that highlight recent advances in our knowledge of the viruses that infect plants and fungi. It begins with general topics in plant virology including movement of v...

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