
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mniej car", znaleziono 106

I can sing in English
I can sing in English
Terrence Clark-Ward

Przekonaj się, że nauka angielskiego przez zabawę i muzykę to doskonały sposób na kreatywne spędzenie wolnego czasu z dzieckiem! Angielskie piosenki dla dzieci I can sing in English to pr...

Infectious Diseases in Critical Care
Infectious Diseases in Critical Care
J. Rello

Infections and their complications are a very important clinical area in the intensive care unit setting. Community-acquired infections and nosocomial infections both contribute to the high level of d...

Decision Making in Spinal Care
Decision Making in Spinal Care
David Anderson

Decision Making in Spinal Care' presents the key concepts in techniques for managing complex spine conditions caused by trauma, disease, and deformity. The authors provide extensive coverage of import...

Patient Care In Government Hospitals
Patient Care In Government Hospitals
R. Walia

Assessing the quality of patient care and setting standards through performance review should become part of everyday clinical practice. Medical audit overseas the observance of standards of medical t...

Carbon Funds in Climate Policy
Carbon Funds in Climate Policy
Klaudia Jarno

The book offers a deep insight into the subject of carbon funds - investment vehicles aimed predominantly at acquiring carbon credits. It is primarily concerned with selected aspects of the organisati...

Assessment of Perinatal Care in Georgia
Assessment of Perinatal Care in Georgia

Maternal and child health is an important indicator of the country development. Georgia is undergoing significant structural changes as it moves toward a more free-market system and privatizes certain...

Atlas Epilepsy Care In The World 2005
Atlas Epilepsy Care In The World 2005

This atlas is one of the most comprehensive compilations of available resources for epilepsy ever attempted, providing an illustrative presentation of information on the current status of epilepsy ser...

Colloids in Cosmetics and Personal Care v 4
Colloids in Cosmetics and Personal Care v 4
Tharwat F. Tadros

The first modern approach to relate fundamental research to the applied science of colloids, this series bridges academic research and industrial applications, thus providing the information vital to ...

Social Rehabilitation, Care and Education in Postmodern World
Social Rehabilitation, Care and Education in Postmodern World
Danuta Apanel, Aneta Jaworska

Probation system - penalties of medium force and measures of supervised liberty as a proposal of fair punishment Organization of prison management in Poland Mentally handicapped people and their leisu...

Applications of Software Agent Technology in Health Care Dom
Applications of Software Agent Technology in Health Care Dom
Antonio Moreno

The intended audience includes graduate and postgraduate students specializing in artificial intelligence and researchers interested in the application of new technologies.

Caeli cives, Domine non sum dignus, Litaniae in C
Caeli cives, Domine non sum dignus, Litaniae in C
Hyacinthus Szczurowski, Maciej Jochymczyk

Jacek (Hyacinthus) Szczurowski był bez wątpienia najszerzej znanym i najpłodniejszym kompozytorem wśród jezuitów działających w dawnej Rzeczpospolitej. Z jego bardzo obszernego dorobku do naszych czas...

Assuring the Quality of Health Care in the European Union
Assuring the Quality of Health Care in the European Union
H. Leqido-Quigley

People have always travelled within Europe for work and leisure, although never before with the current intensity. Now, however, they are travelling for many other reasons, including the quest for key...

La otra cara de la region Region y desarrollo regional en el contexto de la globalizacion
La otra cara de la region Region y desarrollo regional en el contexto de la globalizacion
Joaquín Roberto, Joaquín Roberto González Martínez

Autor przedstawia proces zmian społecznych, jakiemu podlegały wspólnoty rybaków zamieszkujących wybrzeże Zatoki Meksykańskiej w okolicach laguny Alvarado od XVI wieku po czasy współczesne. W analizie ...

Bonnes Pratiques en Marketing du Vin - 20 Etudes de Cas de
Bonnes Pratiques en Marketing du Vin - 20 Etudes de Cas de
P. Mora

Le livre dĂŠcrit une vingtaine d'ĂŠtudes de cas, qui sont autant de "success stories" au pays du vin. Pour chacune sont dĂŠtaillĂŠs le contexte et les enjeux, puis vient le rĂŠcit proprement dit du ca...

Can Knowledge be (a) Performative? Performativity in the Studies of Science
Can Knowledge be (a) Performative? Performativity in the Studies of Science
Aleksandra Kołtun

The recent surge in popularity of the nations of performance and performativity provides an incentive for ezamining their productivity for contemporary models of knowledge production. Drawing upon a h...

Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do
Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do
Terry Dodson, Kevin Smith

The mysterious disappearance of an old friend brings Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, to New York in search of answers, and a certain web-slinging ex-lover of hers is following the same trail. How long w...

Only Girl in the Car
Only Girl in the Car
K. Dobie

From the moment fourteen-year-old Kathy decides to lose her virginity and reels in her prey, she is headed for trouble. One cold, raw March night, parked in a car on the outskirts of town with four bo...

Charlie Car in a Hurry
Charlie Car in a Hurry

Beep beep! Charlie Car has a very important appointment to get to! But other vehicles keep getting in his way! What special occasion could they all be heading for?

Match Me If You Can
Match Me If You Can
Susan Phillips

You met star quarterback Kevin Tucker in This Heart of Mine. Now get ready to meet his shark of an agent, Heath Champion, and Annabelle Granger, the girl least likely to succeed. Annabelle's endured d...

Cat in Art
Cat in Art
S. Zuffi

Almost from the beginning of art, humans have portrayed cats. The animal originally domesticated for the humble purpose of catching mice was already a goddess in ancient Egypt and a beloved household ...

Cast in Moonlight
Cast in Moonlight
Michelle Sagara
Cykl: Chronicles of Elantra, tom 1

Barely a teenager, Kaylin Neya is a thief, a fugitive and an attempted assassin. She also has a smart mouth, sharp wits and mysterious markings on her skin. All of which make her perfect bait for a ch...

Cast in Shadow
Cast in Shadow
Michelle Sagara
Cykl: Chronicles of Elantra, tom 1

Seven years ago Kaylin fled the crime-riddled streets of Nightshade, knowing that something was after her. Children were being murdered — and all had the same odd markings that mysteriously appeared o...

In Broussard's Care
In Broussard's Care
Amber Kell
Cykl: Yearning Love, tom 3

Sometimes the deepest wounds are the ones you can’t see. Dr. Jean Broussard hasn’t been lucky in love. The only men who interest him are either taken or end up wanting him for his money. When Detecti...

Palliative Care in Neurology
Palliative Care in Neurology

Palliative care is the duty of every neurologist: however, to date, this has not been a standard feature of neurological practice or training. This book helps define a new field, namely palliative car...

Special Care in Dentistry
Special Care in Dentistry
Crispian Scully

A concise and well illustrated introduction to special needs dentistry by the foremost authority on the subject in the UK.Comprehensive but concise account of the pre-existing conditions which may aff...

Seizures in Critical Care
Seizures in Critical Care
Panayiotis N. Varelas

A panel of international ICU and epilepsy physicians and researchers detail the epileptic phenomena that occur in the complex environment of the ICU. Focusing on the central nervous system, the author...

Decentralization in Health Care
Decentralization in Health Care
Richard B. Saltman

Decentralization has become a popular management strategy in many European health care systems. The term describes a wide variety of power transfer arrangements and accountability systems. The logic o...

Urogynecology in Primary Care
Urogynecology in Primary Care
P. Culligan

"Urogynecology in Primary Care" provides a clear and concise resource for primary care providers interested in the most rapidly growing area of women's healthcare: urogynecology and female pelvic heal...

Emergency Care in Streets
Emergency Care in Streets
Nancy Caroline

The revised and updated Fifth Edition of the best-selling paramedic textbook of all time is the best ever. Includes the ACLS CPR Guidelines. This is the ideal guide for paramedics teaching and learnin...

Rehabilitation in Cancer Care
Rehabilitation in Cancer Care
J. Rankin

Offers practical guidance for the rehabilitation of people with cancer or those receiving palliative care. Explaining the key skills required at every stage of the cancer journey, this book offers adv...

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