Pierwsza na polskim rynku wydawniczym książka o modelu CMMI® (Capability Maturity Model Integration) - uznany model poprawy procesów tworzenia oprogramowania w organizacjach! Zawiera podstawowe inf...
The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a framework widely used to assess an organization's processes in carrying out specific activities, to guide the implemention of improvements, and to measure prog...
[Heavily taken from book preface] In 2005, General Motors teamed up with the SEI to help adapt CMMI to reflect acquisition of technology solutions and together have published an initial version of the...
Constant enhancement in your product and production -- that's what you have to be all about if you want to have a prayer of competing in today's highly skilled and efficient marketplace. Capability Ma...
ISO 9001 is known throughout the world as the gold standard for quality process improvement, but quality assurances experts are also discovering the power of CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integratio...