CCNA Flash Cards and Exam Practice PackThird Edition More than 1400 flash cards, practice questions, and quick reference sheets for CCENT and CCNA Exams 640-822, 640-816, and 640-802 Comprehensive CCE...
Multi Pack contains:Engineering Mechanics - Statics:(International Edition) (ISBN 013122882X) Study Pack - FBD Workbook Statics (ISBN 0131412094)
Lifespan development with balanced research and applications; a new feature, 'Variations'; and increased emphasis on the Lifespan Perspective - all in Berk's hallmark engaging writing style. Renowned ...
This convenient, money-saving package offers must-have guidance for successfully avoiding or managing complications stemming from pre-existing medical conditions. It combines the comprehensive coverag...
The Oxford Handbook of Pre-Hospital Care provides the reader with authoritative, evidence-based advice on the assessment and management of pre-hospital care emergencies. The Oxford Handbook format and...
For core introductory statics courses found in mechanical, civil, aeronautical, or engineering mechanics departments. While teaching the basic principles of mechanics in an example-driven format, this...
Alex Forley had everything: good looks, money, a beautiful house in London, an attractive girlfriend and a close group of friends. But now he is dead - an apparent case of suicide. Detective Inspector...
Target Score Second edition is a preparatory course for the new TOEIC? Test (Test of English for International Communication ?). Revised for the new TOEIC? Test, this Second edition also provides effe...
In Company 3.0 zawiera nowe teksty i ćwiczenia, filmy oraz nowe komponenty cyfrowe. Kurs poprzez naukę języka rozwija ważne umiejętności życiowe, które w przyszłości pomogą studentom funkcjonować w śr...
Poziom: PoczątkującyInspiracja, ciekawość, osiągnięcia!Elastyczny, 7-częściowy kurs gwarantujący sukces na egzaminach Cambridge English Qualifications, rozwijający umiejętności 21.wieku poprzez kreaty...
Poziom: PoczątkującyInspiracja, ciekawość, osiągnięcia!Elastyczny, 7-częściowy kurs gwarantujący sukces na egzaminach Cambridge English Qualifications, rozwijający umiejętności 21.wieku poprzez kreaty...
Pakiet do nauki języka angielskiego na dla początkujących. Zawiera książkę do nauki słownictwa, książkę do nauki gramatyki i CD z tekstami do słuchania.
Pakiet do nauki języka angielskiego na poziomie podstawowym. Zawiera książkę do nauki słownictwa, książkę do nauki gramatyki i CD z tekstami do słuchania.
As a final preparation tool providing a review of CVOICE, CIPT, and QoS topics, the Cisco IP Telephony Flash Card Cards and Exam Practice Pack complements official Cisco curriculum, other Cisco Press ...
For introductory statics courses found in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics departments. This best-selling text offers a concise and thorou...
Compact First for Schools is a focused, 50 - 60 hour course for Cambridge English: First for Schools, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE). The syllabus for this exam has changed and this ...
Pakiet do nauki języka angielskiego na poziomie Pre-Intermediate. Zawiera książkę do nauki słownictwa, książkę do nauki gramatyki i CD z tekstami do słuchania.
The Student’s Book comes with access to Online Practice and an online practice test. The online material is automatically marked, saving time for teachers and giving students instant feedback on their...
Cambridge Preliminary English Test 6 contains four complete authentic PET past papers from Cambridge ESOL. These official papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themsel...
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 2 for updated exam Self-study Pack
Cambridge First Certificate in English 1 for Updated Exam Self-study Pack
Cambridge First Certificate in English 2 for updated exam Self-study Pack
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 3 for Updated Exam Self-study Pack
Cambridge First Certificate in English 3 for Updated Exam Self-study Pack
Indispensable, Individual, Independent, this all-in-one guide will put your finger on the pulse of Europe. Written by expert travel writers, covering 40 countries with over 160 maps, this book is cram...