Ucz się języka dzięki opowiadaniom w językach obcych w formie drukowanej książeczki oraz audiobooka. 20 ciekawych historii pozwala nie tylko na poszerzenie umiejętności czytania i słuchania w języku o...
Spin off serii „Gods of Law’’! „Tej nocy czuł, że ta melodia istniała przed nim, że była złotą nicią, doskonałą i skończoną, unoszącą się eterycznie w innym wymiarze, w oczekiwaniu, aż zostanie od...
Arghhhhh!!! Poznajcie Zacharego - największego złośnika wśród zajęcy - i jego oddanych przyjaciół. Przekonajcie się, jak niewiele potrzeba, by się zmienić. Arghhhhh!!! rghhhhh!!! Meet Zachary - the te...
The book “Little swimmer, the forming of a correct attitude from the beginning” is one of few books acquainting one with the subject of swimming for children, specifically games in water.This book is ...
Summer made a grave error, the type of error that could change her life forever. His name is Mason, and he touched her like nobody ever has, including her husband, Chris. Her sweet husband who suddenl...
"ONCE UPON A TIME" IS TIMELESS In a quiet fishing village seventeen years ago, one lone fisherman rescued a child from the sea. He and his wife raised the girl, Pearl, as their own daughter, never a...
The True Face of Love Ruth's grandmother lives in the forest, banished there for the "evil" that the townsfolk believed she practiced. But if studying the stars, learning about nature, and dreaming o...
Are you happy? If the answer is yes, enjoy it. If it's a no, relax, and be patient. It will return. Happiness comes and goes. The Little Book of Happiness explains how to search for, and enjoy, this s...
There are some 400 million people worldwide whose creativity, imagination and determination put the rest of us to shame. They are experts in their field, despite having no experience to speak of. Once...
The little girl who opens this box will enter the land of enchantment. She will find: * A 32-page hardcover illustrated book containing six beloved fairytales: Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, The Frog Prin...