
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "pl i medical", znaleziono 288

Encyclopedia of Medical Organizations and Agencies 3-vols
D. Batten

This resource brings you instant access to public and private agencies concerned with medical information, funding, research, education, planning, advocacy, advice and service.Sixty-nine subject chapt...

Medical Assisting Review Passing The CMA & RMA Exams
Medical Assisting Review Passing The CMA & RMA Exams

Medical Assisting Review: Passing the CMA & RMA Exams, 2nd edition covers example questions for both types of certification exams. This reference prepares students to take the CMA or RMA exam with eas...

Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics: With STUDENT CONSULT Online
Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics: With STUDENT CONSULT Online
Andrew K. Renwick, Derek G. Waller, Keith Hillier

This book covers the whole gamut of pharmacology from basic science pharmacology and pathophysiology, through clinical pharmacology to therapeutics. This integrative approach is in line with the new ...

Medical Care for Children & Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Medical Care for Children & Adults with Developmental Disabilities
I. Leslie Rubin, Allen C. Crocker

This completely revised and updated second edition of a definitive medical volume - trusted by clinicians for more than fifteen years - is the only resource with in-depth information on clinical care ...

Textbook of Neural Repair & Rehabilitation Medical v 2
Textbook of Neural Repair & Rehabilitation Medical v 2
M. Selzer

In two freestanding but linked volumes, Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation provides comprehensive coverage of the science and practice of neurological rehabilitation. This volume, Medical Ne...

Teaching Students with Medical Physical and Multiple Disabil
Teaching Students with Medical Physical and Multiple Disabil
B. Algozzine

Support the academic performance and independence of students with medical and physical disabilities! If not properly addressed, a medical or physical disability that results in limited strength, mobi...

Scar of Visibility Medical Performances and Contemporary Ar
Scar of Visibility Medical Performances and Contemporary Ar
Petra Kuppers

Contemporary visual and performance artists have adopted modern medical technologies such as MRIs and computer imaging--and the bodily access they imply--to reveal their limitations. In doing so they ...

Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis 2e
Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis 2e
I. Bankman

The Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis is a comprehensive compilation of concepts and techniques used for processing and analyzing medical images after they have been generated or digit...

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Rehabilitation (Oxford Medical Handbooks)
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Rehabilitation (Oxford Medical Handbooks)
Michael Barnes, Anthony Ward, Sarah Ryan, Sandra Stark

Rehabilitation medicine is a new and growing specialty. Rehabilitation services are now available in most UK hospitals and rehabilitation has an increasing presence in the community. There is a strong...

Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological Sciences
Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological Sciences
P. Laake

Providing easy-to-access information, this unique sourcebook covers the wide range of topics that a researcher must be familiar with in order to become a successful experimental scientist. Perfect for...

Pocket Companion to Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physio
Pocket Companion to Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physio
John Hall

The new edition of this companion to Guyton & Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Edition delivers the salient points from the parent text in a manner that is ideal for rapid comprehension of ...

Handbook of Medical Consequences of Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Handbook of Medical Consequences of Alcohol & Drug Abuse
J. Brick

A unique and comprehensive reference that no health care professional who encounters substance abusers should be without! The Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse is a cuttin...

Design, Execution, and Management of Medical Device Clinical Trials
Design, Execution, and Management of Medical Device Clinical Trials
Salah M. Abdel-Aleem

An essential introduction to conducting the various stages of medical device clinical trials Clinical research continues to be one of the most vital components of pharmaceutical, biostatistical, and...

LWW's Medical Assisting Exam Review for CMA & RMA Certificat
LWW's Medical Assisting Exam Review for CMA & RMA Certificat
H. Houser

Inside of this book are the tools and information you'll need to succeed on the CMA and RMA national medical assisting exams -- and to retain that information to ensure a successful career. You'll ben...

Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests 4 vols
Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests 4 vols
B. Narins

Written especially for patients and allied health care students by experts in the field, The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests provides in-depth coverage of approximately 450 surgical pro...

Dwarfism. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Profound Short Stature
Dwarfism. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Profound Short Stature
B. Adelson

This landmark volume is the first to trace the exciting developments in the field of dwarfism research and treatment over the past century―particularly during the past fifty years. Dr. Betty M. Adels...

The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice (Science and Cultural Theory)
The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice (Science and Cultural Theory)
Annemarie Mol

The Body Multiple is an extraordinary ethnography of an ordinary disease. Drawing on fieldwork in a Dutch university hospital, Annemarie Mol looks at the day-to-day diagnosis and treatment of atherosc...

Cereals of antiquity and early Byzantine times. Wheat and barley in medical sources (second to sewenth centuries AD)
Cereals of antiquity and early Byzantine times. Wheat and barley in medical sources (second to sewenth centuries AD)
Krzysztof Jagusiak, Maciej Kokoszko, Zofia Rzeźnicka
Seria: Byzantina Lodziensia

The present book aims at a detailed analysis of the evolution of dietetic doctrines and an assessment of the value of medical sources for historians of food. In order to achieve the goal, the authors...

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