
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "plants z", znaleziono 81

Zbrodnie roślin
3 wydania
Zbrodnie roślin
Amy Stewart

To nie jest poradnik, jak otruć teściową. To kryminał w darze od natury! Mordercze rośliny, zabójcza książka! Roślinni zabójcy działają czasem w bardzo wyrafinowany sposób, pozostawiają za sobą ślady ...

50 roślin, które zmieniły bieg historii
3 wydania
50 roślin, które zmieniły bieg historii
Bill Laws

Rośliny są czymś tak wszechobecnym, tak powszechnym, że rzadko zastanawiamy się nad tym, jak ogromny wywierają wpływ na nasze codzienne życie. Przy specjalnych okazjach wręczamy kwiaty, spędzamy wiele...

Dziesięć leków, które ukształtowały medycynę
Dziesięć leków, które ukształtowały medycynę
Thomas Hager

Fascynująca historia roli leków w nowożytnej medycynie, a zarazem ewolucji naszej kultury Każdy znaczący lek ma swoją historię. Może być owocem geniuszu badacza dziwaka, spowodować przełom w medycyni...

Pijany botanik. O roślinach, z których powstają najwspanialsze alkohole świata
Pijany botanik. O roślinach, z których powstają najwspanialsze alkohole świata
Amy Stewart

Wydaje się, że nie ma na świecie drzewa, krzewu czy wiotkiego dzikiego kwiatu, którego już kiedyś nie zerwano, nie zwarzono i nie zabutelkowano… Bourbon? Zea mays, czyli pewna nieco przerośnięta trawa...

Cudowna moc roślin. Zielone uzdrowicielki ciała i duszy
Cudowna moc roślin. Zielone uzdrowicielki ciała i duszy
Fran Bailey

Dbaj o swoje rośliny, a one zadbają o twoje ciało i duszę! Z roślinami łączy nas pierwotna więź. Pomagają nam zaspokajać podstawowe potrzeby, od powietrza, którym oddychamy, przez schronienie,...

Wielka księga kwiatów. Sztuka kompozycji i pielęgnowania
Wielka księga kwiatów. Sztuka kompozycji i pielęgnowania
John Brookes

Książka jest przystępnie napisanym przewodnikiem po sztuce pielęgnowania i niekonwencjonalnego wykorzystania roślin w domu. Starannie opracowana, z ponad tysiacem ilustracji, pokazuje setki fascynujac...

Insectivorous Plants
Insectivorous Plants
Karol Darwin

Darwin had long been fascinated by insectivorous plants, from the native British sundews and bladderworts to the exotic pinguiculas and nepenthes which he encountered during the Beagle voyage. Growing...

Genetically Modified Plants
R. Hull

There is worldwide interest in the biosafety issues related to transgenic crops because of issues such as increased pesticide use, increased crop and weed resistance to pesticides, gene flow to relate...

World of Plants
World of Plants
K. Howell

This collectible series builds into a fascinating library of reference material, covering every aspect of Key Stage 2 science and beyond. When used in conjunction with @Link, the reader has direct acc...

Plants Bite Back
Plants Bite Back
Richard Platt

Stunning DK photographs combine with lively illustrations and engaging, age-appropriate stories in Eyewitness Readers, a multi-level reading programme guaranteed to capture children's interest while d...

Guide to Cultivated Plants
Guide to Cultivated Plants
Ton Elzebroek, Koop Wind

Representing almost 80 years of combined experience, Guide to Cultivated Plants includes concise textual descriptions and attractive full-color illustrations of over 300 crop species. These comprise ...

Lewin Angie

? Plants and Places presents over 70 of Lewin's beautifully craftedlinocuts and wood engravings. The works are grouped according to habitatsuch as coast, woodland and hedgerow, and garden together wit...

Smart Process Plants
Smart Process Plants
M. Bagajewicz

Maximize plant profitability by minimizing operating costs. Smart Process Plants addresses measurements and the data they generate, error-free process variable estimation, control, fault detection, in...

Plants and Society
Plants and Society

This introductory, one quarter/one-semester text takes a multidisciplinary approach to studying the relationship between plants and people. The authors strive to stimulate interest in plant science an...

Dangerous plants (wydanie anglojęzyczne)
Dangerous plants (wydanie anglojęzyczne)
Sarah Woolard

This non-fiction text is one of a series designed for those who want to develop proficiency in reading English. The series features five levels, from beginner to upper-intermediate, to support student...

Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal Plants
Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal Plants
C. Wiart

For the first time in the history of medicinal plant research, Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal Plants: Asia and the Pacific sheds light on the pharmacological potentials of one of the most exiting and ...

Senescence Processes in Plants
Senescence Processes in Plants
Susheng Gan

Plants exhibit both mitotic and postmitotic senescence. Mitotic senescence occurs when meristem cells lose their ability to undergo mitotic cell division. Postmitotic senescence, an active degenerativ...

Remarkable Plants: The Oedogoniales
Remarkable Plants: The Oedogoniales
Julianne Pickett-Heaps

The Oedogoniales are remarkable filamentous green algae. Their method of cell elongation is unique, utilizing a donut-shaped ring of soft wall material which is stretched to form the new daughter cell...

Cold Hardiness in Plants
Cold Hardiness in Plants
T. Chen

This book is based on invited and selected offered papers--suitably revised and updated--from the 7th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar held at Hokkaido University, Japan, in July 2004. These...

Amazing Plants Level 2
Amazing Plants Level 2
L. Horsley

What's so amazing about plants? Lots of things! Did you know the Coco de Mer is as big as a football? That bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world? This non-fiction title talks about the weir...

Plants at the Margin
Plants at the Margin
R. Crawford

Margins are by their very nature environmentally unstable - does it therefore follow that plant populations adapted for life in such areas will prove to be pre-adapted to withstand the changes that ma...

Plants and UV-B
Plants and UV-B
P. Lumsden

The collection of papers presented is an excellent choice, covering a broad range of work. The range of approaches, from biochemical and cellular studies to discussion of ecological effects, represent...

Conservation of Medicinal Plants
Conservation of Medicinal Plants
O. Akerele

Nearly all cultures, from ancient times to today, have used plants as a source of medicine. In many developing countries, traditional medicine is still the mainstay of health care and most of the drug...

A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants
A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants
C. Brickell

The 15000 plants featured in this encyclopedia have been selected by consultants from the UK, North America and Europe. They include not only tried and tested garden favourites, but also a selection o...

Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants
Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants
Ashwani K. Rai

The main objective of this book is to provide state-of-the-art knowledge of recent developments in the understanding of plant response to abiotic stresses in a single volume. Abiotic Stress Tolerance ...

Regulation of Transcription in Plants
Regulation of Transcription in Plants
K. Grasser

Regulation of transcription represents a major, controlling step in plant gene expression, as it determines the tissue-specific and developmental stage-specific activity of many genes. Changes in gene...

Medicinal Plants of the World
Medicinal Plants of the World
Ivan A. Ross

An extraordinary compendium of information on herbal medicine, Medicinal Plants of the World, Volume 3 comprehensively documents the medicinal value of 16 major plant species widely used around the wo...

Structure and Function of Plants
Structure and Function of Plants
Jennifer MacAdam

The Structure and Function of Plants provides an important introduction and overview of the anatomy and physiology of plants. The chapters are designed to provide the reader with valuable insight into...

Plants & Animals of Pacific Northwest
Plants & Animals of Pacific Northwest
E. Kozloff

In the lowlands of the Pacific Northwest, from southern Oregon to British Columbia, the plant and animal life is rich and vast. Previously anyone interested in identifying and learning about the fauna...

Oxford First Encyclopedia. Animals And Plants
Oxford First Encyclopedia. Animals And Plants
Andrew Langley

The Oxford First Encyclopedia series is the ideal starting point for a child`s early learning, now updated in these new editions. It takes young readers on a fascinating journey of discovery through t...

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