
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "poza liberal i o mnie", znaleziono 18

Liberal Modernity and Its Adversaries
Liberal Modernity and Its Adversaries
M. Zafirovski

This is a book about modern liberal society and its adversaries. The book rediscovers and rehabilitates much maligned, especially in America, liberalism as the ideal and system of liberty in relation ...

10 wydań
Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński

Słówka to zbiór ulotnych wierszyków osobistych, kupletów i piosenek, pisanych przeważnie dla krakowskiego kabaretu “Zielony Balonik”. Tworzone jeszcze trochę nieoficjalnie pod pseudonimem “Boy”, nasyc...

Kontrrewolucja. Liberalna Europa w odwrocie
Kontrrewolucja. Liberalna Europa w odwrocie
Jan Zielonka

Kilka miesięcy po upadku muru berlińskiego Ralf Dahrendorf pisze Rozważania na temat rewolucji w Europie, w których w formie listów do tajemniczego J. z Warszawy podejmuje refleksję nad wagą i konsekw...

Lewicowy faszyzm : tajemna historia amerykańskiej lewicy od Mussoliniego do polityki zmiany
Lewicowy faszyzm : tajemna historia amerykańskiej lewicy od Mussoliniego do polityki zmiany
Jonah Jacob Goldberg

Od powstania i upadku systemu nazistowskiego faszyzm uważa się za zjawisko skrajnie prawicowe. A gdzie obecnie szukać prawdziwych faszystów? W "Lewicowym faszyzmie" Jonah Goldberg ukazuje szokujące p...

Amsterdam. Historia najbardziej liberalnego miasta na świecie
Amsterdam. Historia najbardziej liberalnego miasta na świecie
Russell Shorto

Biografia miasta słynącego z kanałów, rowerów, szlifierni diamentów, znakomitych kolekcji malarstwa, a także niezwykłej tolerancji władz dla wszelkiej odmienności, zakazanych używek i prostytucji. Aut...

Wielkie złudzenie. Liberalne marzenia a rzeczywistość międzynarodowa
Wielkie złudzenie. Liberalne marzenia a rzeczywistość międzynarodowa
John J. Mearsheimer

Fascynująca Przełomowa książka jednego z najwybitniejszych badaczy stosunków międzynarodowych, autora Tragizmu polityki mocarstw, twórcy teorii realizmu ofensywnego. Profesor John J. Mearsheimer anali...

Liberal Archipelago
Liberal Archipelago
C. Kukathas

In his major new work Chandran Kukathas offers, for the first time, a book-length treatment of this controversial and influential theory of minority rights. The work is a defence of a form of liberali...

Liberal Fascism
Liberal Fascism
J. Goldberg

The 'fascist' is usually an insult aimed at those on the right. But what does it really mean? What if the true heirs to fascism were actually those who thought of themselves as being terribly nice and...

Pluralism & Liberal Democracy
Pluralism & Liberal Democracy
Richard Flathman

In "Pluralism and Liberal Democracy" one of the country's most distinguished political theorists turns to the task of how best to explain, justify, and encourage the concept, practice, and institution...

Liberal Order & Imperial Ambition
Liberal Order & Imperial Ambition
G. Ikenberry

The United States dominates the world as no state has. It emerged from the Cold War as the world's only superpower and no geopolitical or ideological contenders are in view. Its dynamic bundle of over...

Language of Liberal Constitutionalism
Language of Liberal Constitutionalism

This book explores two basic questions regarding constitutional theory. First, in view of a commitment to democratic self-rule and widespread disagreement on questions of value, how is the creation of...

Conscience of a Liberal
2 wydania
Conscience of a Liberal
Paul Krugman

Economist and New York Times columnist Krugman's stimulating manifesto aims to galvanize today's progressives the way Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative did right-wingers in 1964. Krug...

Fighting Terrorism in the Liberal State
Fighting Terrorism in the Liberal State
Samuel Peleg

The papers in this book illustrate the balanced dichotomy between terrorism and counter-terrorism against the background of the liberal state. This is a unique battlefield, where the tactical advantag...

Citizenship & Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies
Citizenship & Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies
Kevin McDonough, Walter Feinberg

The essays in the volume address educational issues that arise when national, sub-national and supra-national identities compete. How can we determine the limits to parental educational rights when li...

Short History of Liberal Party 1900-2001
Short History of Liberal Party 1900-2001

This highly topical and authoritative history examines the changing fortunes of the Liberals from the landslide victory of 1906, through the divisions and decline of the interwar years, to the repeate...

Economists in Parliament in the Liberal Age
Economists in Parliament in the Liberal Age
M. Augello

This detailed volume explores the role and actions of economists in US, Japanese and various European parliaments in the critical period between 1848 and 1920. Featuring chapters written by an interna...

Liberal Internationalism and the Decline of the State
Liberal Internationalism and the Decline of the State
P. Hammarlund

This book provides a critical analysis of the liberal ideas of the decline of the state through a historical comparison. It takes special note of the implications of state failure to control economic ...

Piero Gobetti and the Politics of Liberal Revolution
Piero Gobetti and the Politics of Liberal Revolution
J. Martin

This well-written and erudite book performs a valuable service for Anglophone readers in being the first full-length study of Gobetti in English. But its merits are far greater than that: this is an i...

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